Pulp & Paper Questions and Answers – Statistical Process Control, SPC and SQC

This set of Pulp and Paper Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Statistical Process Control, SPC and SQC”.

1. Statistical process control (S.P.C.) or statistical quality control (S.Q.C.) does not involves data collection and analysis, modeling of systems, problem solving, and design of experiments.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Statistical process control (S.P.C.) or statistical quality control (S.Q.C.) involves data collection and analysis, modeling of systems, problem solving, and design of experiments. Statistical Quality Control (S.Q.C.) is the term utilized to describe the set of statistical tools utilized.

2. Statistical analysis of the process is a key part of _________ since it is crucial to determine what is random variation and what is non-random variation that can be controlled.
a) SQC
b) TQM
c) CSS
d) SQL
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Answer: a
Explanation: Statistical Quality Control (S.Q.C.) is the term utilized to describe the set of statistical tools utilized by quality professionals. S.Q.C. is utilized to analyze the quality problems and solve them. Anyone who wants to implement S.P.C. must understand elementary statistics, experimental design, and sampling techniques.

3. Most aspects of statistical analysis in common use assume that statistical deviation follows the normal distribution and it’s symmetrical and has a _________ curve.
a) Derivational
b) Deviational
c) Statistical
d) Training
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Answer: c
Explanation: The normal probability distribution’s underlying standard deviations from the median, or from the highest point, is what gives it the shape of curved bell. A standard deviation is a measurement utilized to quantify the variability of data dispersion in a set of values.

4. What is the name of this distribution?
t = (X – µ) / (s/n-2)
a) Teacher’s
b) Student’s
c) Master’s
d) Taller’s
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Answer: b
Explanation: This distribution is still called the Student‘s t. The test is utilized to make deductions about the mean values of populations based on the measurements of relatively small number of samples. The value of ‘t’ is analogous to ‘z’ of a normal distribution, but the actual standard deviation is unknown and is approximated as s based on a finite sample size.

5. Important process variables should be monitored using the concepts of statistical analysis.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The process variable is a vital feature of the process which could change rapidly. They are loosely meant to be qualities of the raw materials, crucial variables in the process itself, and qualities of the product.

6. _________ variables are loosely meant to be qualities of the raw materials, crucial variables in the process itself, and qualities of the product.
a) Kraft’s
b) Lignin’s
c) Process
d) SQC
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Answer: c
Explanation:The process variable is a dynamic feature of the process which could change rapidly.. There are 4 commonly measured variables which affect chemical and physical process: pressure, temperature, level and flow.

7. The key pulping variables are H-factor and liquor characteristics.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The key product variables kappa number and cellulose viscosity make it possible for pulping variables to execute in desired manner. Priority is given to H-factor.

8. The cost of quality bond throughout the manufacturing process is an crucial consideration. With too little quality assurance, high costs will result because there will be a high rejection rate at the end. What is the topic of discussion?
a) SPC
b) Cost versus benefit of SQC
c) Pareto charts
d) Effective communication
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Answer: b
Explanation: This is the field of S.Q.C. or S.P.C. It provides a means of detecting error at the inspection level. It leads to more uniform quality of production. It improves the relationship with the customer.

9. This is the field of statistical quality control (S.Q.C.) or statistical product control (S.P.C.). These techniques should be second nature to any scientist, but they have met with opposition in production ease where they are treated as one more fad brought down by management. What is the topic of discussion?
a) SPC
b) Cost versus benefit of SQC
c) Pareto charts
d) Effective communication
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Answer: b
Explanation: The cost of quality assurance throughout the whole manufacturing process is an crucial consideration. With very little quality assurance, high costs will result because then there will be a high rejection rate at the end.

10. The S.P.C. techniques that are being introduced in the pulp mill would probably decrement process variability of the pulp going to the bleach plant from the pulp mill. What is the topic of discussion?
a) Control chart
b) Pareto charts
c) Student’s
d) SPC
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Answer: a
Explanation: The control chart is a graph utilized to study how a process changes over time. Data are plotted in a timely order. A control chart always has a central line for the average, a lower line for the lower control limit and an upper line for the upper control limit.

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