This set of Pulp and Paper Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Color Printing”.
1. Multicolor presses utilize printing units in tandem to apply several colors, often 2 or 4 colors.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Multicolor presses utilize printing units in tandem to apply several colors, often 2 or 4 colors, a single color and black three colors and black for “full color” printing.
2. ________ printing will be considered when a single color press can be utilized by a skilled craftsman to produce multicolor prints by utilizing several passes through the press with a change of ink b/w passes.
a) One colour
b) Two colour
c) Three colour
d) Four colour
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Explanation: 4 color printing will be considered here. The C.M.Y.K. color model is a subtractive color model, utilized in color printing, and is also utilized to describe the printing process itself.
3. Most of the colors can be adequately reproduced with translucent yellow, magenta, and cyan inks. Since these inks ________ black ink is utilized to give the overall shade to a particular color.
a) Absorb light
b) Do not absorb light
c) Absorb only white
d) Absorb radiations
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Explanation: Since these inks do not block and absorbs all light, black ink is utilized to give the overall shade to a particular color. Most of the colors can be adequately reproduced with translucent yellow, magenta, and cyan inks.
4. The 4 process colors are known as the ________ color system, where K indicates black if it were designated B it may be confutilized with blue or key.
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Explanation: The C.M.Y.K. color model (process color, 4 color) is a subtractive color model, utilized in color printing, and is also utilized to describe the printing process itself. It refers to the 4 inks utilized in some color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow and key.
5. The process colors have the same names globally. The shades are uniform in ________ but a various. set of shades is utilized in Europe.
a) South America
b) North America
c) Asia
d) Australia
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Explanation: The 4 process colors have the same names globally. The shades are uniform in North America, but a various. set of shades is utilized in Europe, and other sets are utilized in other parts of the world.
6. __________ is the process of making 4 halftone negatives for colour pictures.
a) Color separation
b) Color combination
c) Chromatography
d) Electrolysis
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Explanation: Any of 3 negative images of the same subject taken through green, red, and blue filters and combined to reproduce the full color of the original. Until the mid—1980s, it was accomplished by taking consecutive pictures of the coloured object with red, green, and blue filters, respectively.
7. If a coloured object is photographed through a ________ and is transmitted, while blue and green colours are blocked.
a) Red light
b) Blue light
c) Green light
d) White light
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Explanation: The visible red light has a wavelength of about 650 nm. At sunrise and sunset, the light you see has travelled a longer distance through the atmosphere.
8. Since this photograph is a negative, it best represents the blue and green areas of the object. The red negative will be printed with ________
a) Red
b) Violet
c) Cyan
d) Green
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Explanation: It is evoked by light with a predominant wavelength of b/w 490–520 nm, b/w the wavelengths of blue and green. Mixing red light and cyan light at the right intensity on a black screen will make white.
9. Not entire colour printing process can now be accomplished with the usage of computer controlled scanners, but the method of collecting the information doesn’t change the theory of the colour printing process.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The entire colour printing process can now be accomplished with the usage of computer controlled scanners. The method of collecting the information does not change the theory of the colour printing process.
10. A colour _________ that is made smaller is choked, while one that is made bigger is spread.
a) Spread
b) Spot
c) Slit
d) Tip
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Explanation: A term originally utilized as a measure of how well one ink printed on top of another. With the advent of Pre-press Software the term was mis-utilized to describe the compensation for mis-registration b/w printing units on a multi-color press that was traditionally known as Chokes and Spreads.
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