Pulp & Paper Questions and Answers – TQM and SPC

This set of Pulp and Paper Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) focuses on “TQM and SPC”.

1. T.Q.M. has 2 important elements to it: a management philosophy and methods of process control.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Total quality management depends on the following factors and has 2 important elements to it: a management philosophy which is the human aspect and methods of process control.

2. Quality should be stamped on the product as the last step but should not be incorporated through the whole process.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Quality shouldn’t be stamped on the product as the last step but should be incorporated through the whole process. Instead, inspection of materials and methods should be made throughout the process.

3. _________ contains more than just statistical process control, which isn’t a management style, only a tool.
b) QPC
c) SQC
d) TQM
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Answer: d
Explanation: Total quality management contains more than just statistical process control, which isn’t a management style which is only a tool. A system of management based on the principle that each member of staff must be committed to maintaining very high standards of work in every aspect of the company’s operations.

4. _________ presents 14 points for management in his classic work which are presented here in concisely with examples relating to the pulp and paper industry, but Deming’s work must be utilized to get the full meaning of them.
a) Flamming
b) Deming
c) Kraft
d) Kurtis
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Answer: b
Explanation: Deming (1982) presents 14 points for management in his classic work. Management’s failure to plan for the future and brings about loss of market, which brings about loss of jobs.

5. The purpose of a paper company is to make high quality paper in the most efficient manner with less waste. Teams of employees should always be on the lookout to make the process better, especially with understanding b/w and among all levels. What is the topic of discussion?
a) New philosophies
b) Constancy of purpose to improve
c) Cease inspection as the means to quantity
d) Breaking down departments
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Answer: b
Explanation: Constancy of purpose to improve. Teams of employees should always make an effort to make the process better, especially with communication b/w and among all levels.

6. The pulp and paper world is a much different place than it was in the past. Management must now compete internationally and use present circumstances. What is the topic of discussion?
a) New philosophies
b) Constancy of purpose to improve
c) Cease inspection as the means to quantity
d) Breaking down departments
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Answer: b
Explanation: Constancy of purpose is crucial in the context of organisational programme. We quite a times lose this constancy of purpose through the use of clumsy language. We talk of our mission, vision, objectives, aims, goals and strategies, attempting to create some form of hierarchy in an effort to convince our management-selves, and important others that it actually means something.

7. Quality shouldn’t be stamped on the product at the end, but built into the entire system so that quality is insured, not just a matter of chance. What is the topic of discussion?
a) New philosophies
b) Constancy of purpose to improve
c) Cease inspection as the means to quantity
d) Breaking down departments
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Answer: c
Explanation: Eliminate the dependence on inspection to accomplish quality. Eliminate every need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place.

8. Chip suppliers should know what a pulp mill is looking for in wood chips and why it’s crucial to the pulping process. Management must also promote internal teamwork. What is the topic of discussion?
a) New philosophies
b) Constancy of purpose to improve
c) Cease inspection as the means to quantity
d) Breaking down departments
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Answer: d
Explanation: Break down barriers b/w departments internally, and customers and suppliers externally. Chip suppliers should know what a pulp mill is looking for in wood chips and why it is crucial to the pulping process. Management must also promote internal teamwork.

9. To demand more productivity isn’t as useful as showing people how the process or testing methods can be modified to achieve higher productivity. What is the topic of discussion?
a) Buy leadership
b) Constancy of purpose to improve
c) Cease inspection as the means to quantity
d) Breaking down departments
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Answer: a
Explanation: Yet, while other managers are responsible for single department which are known as silos, our work takes us across and through those silos. This helps figure any missing connections b/w units that might be cutting into potential revenue or increment costs.

10. _________ of the process is a key part of S.P.C. since it’s crucial to determine what’s random variation and what is non-random variation that can be controlled.
a) Statistical analysis
b) Experimental analysis
c) Kraft’s analysis
d) Mayfield’s analysis
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Explanation: Anyone who wants to implement S.P.C. must understand elementary statistics, experimental design, and sampling techniques. Statistical analysis of the process’s a key part of S.P.C. since it’s crucial to determine what’s random variation and what’s non-random variation that can be controlled.

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