This set of Pulp and Paper Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Implementing TQC and SPC”.
1. The statement about management that has an organization to take on the attitude of their top manager (i.e., the attitude comes from the top down).
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The top management must be committed to the techniques of T.Q.M. and S.P.C.
2. Employees should be trained from the down to top, with the level of detail higher at each lower level so that decisions can be made at the front line.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In order for these tools to work, the top management must be committed to the techniques of T.Q.M. and S.P.C. Employees should be trained from the top to down with the level of detail higher at each lower level so that decisions can be made at the front line.
3. The techniques and purposes of _________ should be explained to the satisfaction of the employees.v
a) SQM and CSP
b) TQM and SQL
c) SPC and CSS
d) TQM and SPC
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Explanation: The techniques and purposes of T.Q.M. and S.P.C. should be explained to the satisfaction of the employees. Training and implementation should go hand in hand to reinforce the learning process and so the relevance of the method is apparent.
4. There must be _________ in mind so that improvements can be ascertained. Quality improvements often increase production by decreasing reject product. What is the topic of discussion?
a) Effective communication and feedback
b) Specify and goals clearly
c) Commitment of management
d) Verification of data
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Explanation: There must be specific goals and objectives in mind for improvements to be made. Often the goal might be to meet established specifications with less variation or reject product.
5. If people know what one wants and why it is necessary for one to have this, people will bend over backward to help you. If they do not know why you want something, you have only yourself to blame when you do not get it. What is the topic of discussion?
a) Effective communication and feedback
b) Specify and goals clearly
c) Commitment of management
d) Verification of data
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Explanation: With specific goals and objectives in mind improvements can be made. Often the goal might be to meet established specifications with less variation. Quality improvements often increase production by decreasing reject product.
6. The key to letting people know what’s expected of them is effective communication. Be sure to always allow someone know when they are doing things well; don’t just indicate to them when they aren’t doing things well. What is the topic of discussion?
a) Effective communication and feedback
b) Specify and goals clearly
c) Commitment of management
d) Verification of data
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Explanation: It can benefit the company by reducing employee turnover or absenteeism due to dis-satisfied employees, or lost revenue from customers who are not happy. It could help employees stay focused on the corporate strategy and encourage innovation.
7. It is imp. to insure that the collected data is correct. The accuracy of sensors should be scrutinized periodically. One should always consider whether parameters are being calculated in the most effective way possible. Other questions like “is this the most effective process?” should be asked. What is the topic of discussion?
a) Effective communication and feedback
b) Specify and goals clearly
c) Commitment of management
d) Verification of data
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Explanation: It is a process in which different types of data are checked for accuracy and inconsistencies after data migration is executed. It helps to determine whether data was accurately translated when data is transferred from one point to another, is complete, and supports processes in the new system.
8. One thing that should be avoided at mills is the entry of data by hand on charts or scraps of paper, especially when this data is to be utilized by others. Rewriting of the data, with the introduction of some errors. What is the topic of discussion?
a) Effective communication and feedback
b) Specify and goals clearly
c) What to avoid
d) Verification of data
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Explanation: The sole reason this is not executed is because it is a waste of time. The point should be kept in the mind before execution to get desired results.
9. It is not uncommon to see the paper testing lab write down the test results on a scrape of paper to be given to the appropriate paper machine operator when the “courier” happens to come by the paper testing lab about 30 minutes later. What is the topic of discussion?
a) What to avoid
b) Specify and goals clearly
c) Effective communication and feedbacks
d) Verification of data
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Explanation: It isn’t usual when the measuring devices could automatically enter the values into a computer system on a scrape of paper to be given to the appropriate paper machine operator. The only reason this isn’t executed is because it’s a waste of time.
10. The expectations of each employee must be clear. Too often T.Q.M. and S.P.C. are talked about at length, but what they are and how they relate to the process are never mentioned. What is the topic of discussion?
a) What to avoid
b) Specify and goals clearly
c) Effective communication and feedbacks
d) Verification of data
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Explanation: A quality management system is often focused on a few key areas: C.A.P.A. to identify, correct and prevent the re-occurrence of non-conformances; auditing to ensure processes are utilizing the quality systems effectively; and continuous improvement of the quality system itself.
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