Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Mechanical Systems

This set of Instrumentation Transducers Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Mechanical Systems”.

1. What will be the transfer function of a body of mass M, in which input quantity is force and output quantity is displacement?
a) sM
b) s2M
c) 1/sM
d) 1/( s2 M)
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Answer: d
Explanation: Force can be described as the product of mass and acceleration, or in terms of displacement F = M(dx2 (t)) / (dt2). Converting to Laplace domain and finding transfer function we obtain the answer.

2. Mass and Moment of inertia are equivalent quantities.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Differential equation of torque is given as T=j(dθ2(t)) / (dt2) and differential equation corresponding to force is given as F = M(dx2(t))/(dt2). Equating these two expressions we obtain mass ‘M’ and moment of inertia ‘j’ are equivalent quantities.

3. Linear and torsional springs are used to provide ________________ and __________________
a) Restoring force and torque respectively
b) Restoring torque and force respectively
c) Restoring torque only
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Linear springs are used to provide restoring force and torsional springs are used to provide restoring torque respectively.

4. Restoring force of a spring under stress is F(s) = ____________
a) X(s)
b) KX(s)
c) K
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Restoring force of a spring under stress is given by KX(s), where K is the stiffness of spring and X(s) is the displacement made.

5. Spring is a ___________ order system.
a) Zero
b) First
c) Second
d) Third
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Answer: a
Explanation: From transfer function of spring, it is clear that spring is a zero order system. Transfer function (F(s))/(G(s))=K.
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6. Name the Friction which acts till the body starts moving?
a) Dynamic friction
b) Static friction
c) Viscous friction
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Static friction is a constant value and is the minimum force required to start motion of a body.

7. What will you call the friction between a relative motion of two bodies?
a) Static friction
b) Dynamic friction
c) Viscous friction
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Viscous friction acts when there is a relative motion between two bodies. It always acts opposite to direction of velocity.

8. What is the equivalent quantity of capacitance in the transfer function of the viscous force?
a) Viscous force
b) Viscosity
c) Damping coefficient
d) Inertia
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Answer: c
Explanation: Transfer function of the viscous force is given as 1/sB, and the transfer function of the capacitor is given as 1/sC. On equating B and C becomes equivalent quantities.

9. Transfer function of force acting on a body is given as 1/(s2 M). What will be the transfer function of a rotating body?
a) 1/(s2 j)
b) 1/j
c) 1/sM
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mass M and Moment of inertia j are equivalent, thus transfer function of rotational motion can be obtained by replacing M with j.

10. 20N force is acting on a 5Kg body. What will be its rate of change of velocity?
a) 4m/s2
b) 5m/s2
c) 10m/s2
d) 2m/s2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Rate of change of velocity is acceleration and force can be described as product of mass and acceleration.

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