Instrumentation Transducers Questions and Answers – Measurement and Callibration

This set of Instrumentation Transducers Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Measurement and Callibration”.

1. Science of precise and accurate measurement of various physical quantities is termed as ___________
a) Metrology
b) Meteorology
c) Pedology
d) Mineralogy
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Answer: a
Explanation: Metrology is the science of measurement. Metrology includes all theoretical aspects of measurement. Meteorology is the branch of study about the atmosphere. Pedology is the branch of study about soil and Mineralogy is a branch of geology specializing in chemistry, chemical structure and physical properties of minerals.

2. In a measuring system quantity under measurement is termed as ________________
a) Measurand
b) Controllers
c) Sensors
d) Indicators
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Answer: a
Explanation: Measurand is the value under consideration in a measuring system. For example, while measuring signal voltage, voltage is the measurand.

3. In a measurement, what is the term used to specify the closeness of two or more measurements?
a) Precision
b) Accuracy
c) Fidelity
d) Threshold
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Answer: a
Explanation: Closeness of two or more measurements is termed as precision. For example, if two measurements gives 3.1kg as output, then the measurement is said to be more precise.

4. Accuracy and Precision are dependent on each other.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Accuracy is the closeness of a measured value with a standard value. Precision is the closeness of two or more measured values. Hence they are not dependent with each other.

5. During a measurement, for a measure value “B”, absolute error is obtained as “A”, what will be the relative error of measurement?
a) A/B
b) B/A
c) (A+1)/B
d) (B+A)/A
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ratio of absolute error to measured value is called relative error. i.e.
Relative error = (Absolute error) / (Measured value).
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6. In a measuring system what is the term used to specify a difference between higher and lower calibration values?
a) Range
b) Span
c) Drift
d) Threshold
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Answer: b
Explanation: Span is the difference between higher and lower calibration values. For an instrument with a range 100 units to 250 units span are 150 units.

7. Using a voltmeter measured value is 24.3V, while its true value is 24V. What is the relative error of measurement?
a) 1.25%
b) 1.2%
c) 1.3%
d) 1.4%
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Answer: a
Explanation: Relative error = ((measured value-true value)/true value)*100%
Given measured value is 24.3V and true value is 24V, using given equation relative error is obtained.

8. ______________ is used to prevent oscillation in moving system.
a) Oscillatory system
b) Controlling
c) Damping system
d) Deflecting
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Answer: c
Explanation: Damping system acts on the damping force. Damping force is necessary in case of moving systems to bring the pointer to rest quickly.

9. What is the span of an ammeter with range -30 to +30A?
a) 60
b) -60
c) 30
d) 20
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Answer: a
Explanation: Span of a system is the difference between higher and lower calibrated values. Here span=30-(-30) = 60.

10. Given a DC voltmeter has a sensitivity of 500ohm/V. For a full scale reading in 100V range, what will be the current through voltmeter?
a) 500mA
b) 200mA
c) 250mA
d) 300mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: Full scale reading in 100V range means 100V itself. For a sensitivity of 500ohm/V current through it will be the ratio of scale reading and sensitivity. ie, 0.2A=200mA.

11. What will be the sensitivity of a voltmeter for 0 to 50mA meter movement?
a) 20ohm/V
b) 25ohm/V
c) 50ohm/V
d) 5ohm/V
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sensitivity of a voltmeter is the reciprocal of full scale deflection of current. Here current deflection is given by 0 to 50mA and sensitivity is 20ohm/V.

12. Using an instrument for measuring capacitance gives an output 203.5nF whereas true value is 203.9nF. What will be the static correction of the instrument?
a) -0.4nF
b) 0.4nF
c) 1nF
d) 0.5nF
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Answer: b
Explanation: Static correction can be defined as a difference between the true value and measured value from an instrument.

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