Class 8 Maths MCQ – Square Root on Decimals

This set of Class 8 Maths Chapter 6 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Square Root on Decimals”.

1. Find the value of x=\(\sqrt{17.64}\).
a) 4 < x < 5
b) 5 < x > 4
c) 4 > x > 5
d) 3 < x < 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: We need to find the square root of 17.64 but from our prior knowledge we know that 42=16 & 52=25. From thus we can conclude that the square root would lie between 4 and 5. Hence the correct answer is 4 < x < 5 and the others are incorrect.

2. What would be the square of 17.66?
a) 311.8756
b) 311.8576
c) 311.5876
d) 311.5786
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Answer: a
Explanation: When we calculate the square of 17.66 we get the answer as 311.8756. There are many other ways to find out the square of numbers but those ways fail to find the square on a decimal number. Therefore the correct answer is 311.8756 and the others are incorrect.

3. What would be the square root of \(\sqrt{66.34}\)?
a) 8.144
b) 8.244
c) 8.344
d) 8.544
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Answer: a
Explanation: We can find the square root of any decimal numbers by division method. Here when we calculate the square root of the number 66.34 we get 8.144 as the answer. So, the correct answer would be 8.144 and the others would be incorrect.

4. Solve: \(\sqrt{121.123}\) = _______
a) 11.00558
b) 11.00557
c) 11.00556
d) 11.00554
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here when we calculate the square root of 121.123 we get 11.00558. Therefore the correct answer would we 11.00558 and the others are incorrect.

5. Find a perfect square near to the number 44332.
a) 210
b) 213
c) 214
d) 209
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here the best way to reach our answer would be ‘option elimination’ i.e. we can try squaring all the options and by observation we can conclude that the answer would be 210.
This is because 2102 = 44100; 2132 = 45369; 2142 = 45796; 2092 = 43681
We can observe that the square of 210 is nearest to the number 44332.

6. What is the least number that should be added to 143 to make it a perfect square?
a) 0
b) 1
c) -1
d) 5
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Answer: b
Explanation: The perfect square nearest to the number 143 is 122=144, in order to acquire this perfect square we need to add 1 to the number. The correct answer would be 1 and others would be incorrect.

7. What would be the least number that should be subtracted from 629 to obtain a perfect square?
a) -4
b) 2
c) -2
d) 4
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Answer: d
Explanation: The perfect square nearest to the number 629 is 252=625, in order to acquire this perfect square we need to subtract 4 to the number. The correct answer would be 4 and others would be incorrect.

8. Which of the following is a perfect square?
a) 11.23
b) 11.00
c) 16.00
d) 16.233
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Answer: c
Explanation: A perfect square is an integer obtained by multiplying an integer with itself. Here we have mixed options which contains decimals. All the options containing decimals are ruled out and the only correct option we are left with is 16. Therefore the correct answer is 16 and the others are incorrect.

9. ______ is a perfect square.
a) 91
b) 99
c) 121
d) 44
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Answer: c
Explanation: A perfect square is an integer obtained by multiplying an integer with itself. Here we have mixed options that contain no square numbers. All the options containing no square numbers are ruled out and the only correct option we are left with is 121. Therefore the correct answer is 16 and the others are incorrect.

10. 122 is a perfect square.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The given number 122 is not a perfect square, therefore the given statement cannot be true. Therefore the correct answer would be false.

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