This set of Class 8 Maths Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Data Handling”. These MCQs are created based on the latest CBSE syllabus and the NCERT curriculum, offering valuable assistance for exam preparation.
1. What is frequency of object?
a) Frequency gives the number of times that an entry occurs
b) Frequency gives the number of times that an entry occurs per unit time
c) Frequency gives the percentage of times that an entry occurs
d) Frequency gives the fraction of times that an entry occurs
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Explanation: Frequency gives the number of times that an entry occurs. Raw unstructured data can be difficult to interpret. If the data is organized and frequency determined it can help obtain meaningful information from it.
2. In the below dataset which represents subjects liked by students from class 6, determine the frequency of English subject.
English, Hindi, Hindi, Marathi, Science, English, Science, English, Mathematics, English, English, History, History, Geography, Mathematics
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 5
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Explanation: Frequency gives the number of times that an entry occurs. English subject appears 5 times in the list. Hindi, History, Mathematics and Science appear 2 times. Marathi and Geography appear only 1 time.
3. Which is the highest consumed beverage from tea, coffee and milk in the list given below?
tea, tea, coffee, milk, tea, milk, tea, coffee, tea, coffee, milk, tea
a) milk
b) coffee
c) tea
d) tea and coffee
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Explanation: Frequency gives the number of times that an entry occurs. Frequency of tea is 6, frequency of coffee is 3, frequency of milk is 3. Hence, the highest frequency of beverage consumed in the given list if tea.
4. Below is the list of answers given by students as their favorite pet. Determine the frequency of dog.
dog, cat, fish, turtle, cat, rabbit, turtle, dog, cat, dog, cat, dog, dog, turtle, dog, cat, cow, fish, rabbit, dog, cat, dog, cat, cat, dog, turtle, rabbit, cat, fish, dog, turtle
a) 5
b) 7
c) 8
d) 10
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Explanation: Frequency gives the number of times that an entry occurs. In the given list, frequency of dog is 10, cat is 9, fish is 3, turtle is 5, rabbit is 3 and cow is 1.
5. Below is the list of cities nominated as the favorite city by tourists. Determine the city which has frequency 4.
Mumbai, Delhi, Mumbai, Agra, Agra, Chennai, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Agra, Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi
a) Mumbai
b) Delhi
c) Agra
d) Bengaluru
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Explanation: Frequency gives the number of times that an entry occurs. The frequency of Mumbai is 4, frequency of Agra is 3, frequency of Chennai, Bengaluru and Delhi is 2.
6. What is the frequency of dog being the favorite pet based on below frequency distribution table?
Animal | Tally Marks |
Dog | |
Cat | || |
Turtle | |||| |
Fish | ||| |
a) 4
b) 2
c) 5
d) 8
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Explanation: The frequency distribution table gives the number of times an entry occurs in the form of tally marks. The tally marks are grouped in multiples of 5 for easier counting. As seen from the above table, tally marks for dog is 8 i.e. a group of 5 and 3, their sum is 8.
7. Which of the below shows frequency distribution of number of visitors of India, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia?
India, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Malaysia, Australia, India, Malaysia, Australia, Singapore, Australia, Australia, Singapore, Singapore, Australia, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Singapore, Malaysia, India
Country | Tally Marks |
Australia | |
India | |||| |
Malaysia | |
Singapore |
Country | Tally Marks |
Australia | |
India | || |
Malaysia | |
Singapore | ||| |
Country | Tally Marks |
Australia | |
India | ||| |
Malaysia | |||| |
Singapore | | |
Country | Tally Marks |
Australia | |
India | |||| |
Malaysia | |
Singapore | |||| |
Explanation: The frequency distribution table gives the number of times an entry occurs in the form of tally marks. The frequency of Australia is 6, India is 4, Malaysia is 5 and Singapore is 6.
8. Below is the list of colors nominated as the favorite colors by students of class I. Determine the color which has frequency 8.
red, blue, red, yellow, green, yellow, green, yellow, yellow, red, green, red, blue, red, yellow, red, blue, yellow, red, blue, blue, yellow, yellow, green, green
a) red
b) blue
c) green
d) yellow
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Explanation: Frequency gives the number of times that an entry occurs. The frequency of red is 7, frequency of blue is 5, frequency of yellow is 8 and green is 5.
9. Below is the list of cities nominated as the favorite city by tourists. Which is the correct frequency distribution diagram for favorite city?
Mumbai, Delhi, Agra, Mumbai, Agra, Agra, Chennai, Mumbai, Agra, Delhi, Delhi, Agra, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Delhi, Agra, Delhi, Agra
City | Tally Marks |
Mumbai | ||| |
Delhi | |
Agra | |
Chennai | ||| |
City | Tally Marks |
Mumbai | |||| |
Delhi | |
Agra | |
Chennai | || |
City | Tally Marks |
Mumbai | |
Delhi | |
Agra | |||| |
Chennai | | |
City | Tally Marks |
Mumbai | |||| |
Delhi | |||| |
Agra | |
Chennai | |||| |
Explanation: Frequency gives the number of times that an entry occurs. The frequency of Mumbai is 4, frequency of Delhi is 6, Agra is 7, and Chennai is 2.
10. Below is the inventory of beverages in the store. Which beverage is the highest in quantity in the store?
Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite, Fanta, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Pepsi, Sprite
a) Pepsi
b) Fanta
c) Coca-Cola
d) Sprite
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Explanation: Frequency gives the number of times that an entry occurs. The frequency of Coca-Cola is 4, frequency of Fanta is 5, frequency of Pepsi is 6 and frequency of Sprite is 3. Hence, quantity of Pepsi is the highest in store.
More MCQs on Class 8 Maths Chapter 5:
- Chapter 5 – Data Handling MCQ (Set 2)
- Chapter 5 – Data Handling MCQ (Set 3)
- Chapter 5 – Data Handling MCQ (Set 4)
- Chapter 5 – Data Handling MCQ (Set 5)
- Chapter 5 – Data Handling MCQ (Set 6)
- Chapter 5 – Data Handling MCQ (Set 7)
- Chapter 5 – Data Handling MCQ (Set 8)
- Chapter 5 – Data Handling MCQ (Set 9)
- Chapter 5 – Data Handling MCQ (Set 10)
To practice all chapters and topics of class 8 Mathematics, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.