This set of Computer Network Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “SNMPv3 Features”.
1. Security is provided by SNMPv3 using _______ and _______ of data packets over the network.
a) integration, authentication
b) encryption, decryption
c) authentication, encryption
d) synchronization, desynchronization
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Explanation: SNMPv3 has advanced features and improved security features as compared to other versions. It authenticates and encrypts data packets sent over the network.
2. SNMPv3 is an internet management standard defined by ________
c) ISO
d) ITU-T
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Explanation: IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is an open standards organization. It defines Internet Management standards such as SNMPv3.
3. Which protocol is used for managing network devices in the SNMP framework?
c) UDP
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Explanation: Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol are the protocols used for managing two or more network devices in a network. It is a reliable protocol and helps in recovering after a network failure.
4. Among the SNMPv3 RFCs _________ describes architecture of SNMP Management Frameworks.
a) RFC 3410
b) RFC 3411
c) RFC 3412
d) RFC 3413
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Explanation: RFC 3411 presents an overview of SNMPv3. It defines a vocabulary for describing SNMP Management Frameworks and an architecture for describing the major portions of SNMP Management Frameworks. Whereas RFC 3410 provides an overview of SNMPv3 Framework, RFC 3412 describes message processing and dispatching for SNMP messages and RFC 3413 describes SNMPv3 applications.
5. SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 messages cannot be formalized and are not compatible with the SNMPv3 system.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: An SNMP engine is defined with explicit subsystems that include dispatch and message-processing functions. It manages all three versions of SNMP to coexist in a management entity. This formalizes the various messages that have been in use in the earlier versions.
6. How does SNMPv3 prevent malicious modification of messages?
a) By providing a special key to the user that is based on Engine ID
b) By converting MIB modules from SNMPv3 to SNMPv1 or SNMPv2
c) By modularization of architecture
d) By reordering and time delaying of message streams
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Explanation: SNMPv3 has enhanced security features as compared to SNMPv1 and SNMPv2. The configuration can be set remotely with secured communication that protects against the modification of information and masquerades by using encryption schemes. It also tries to ensure against malicious modification of messages by reordering and time delaying of message streams.
7. In an SNMP engine, there is more than one dispatcher that can handle only a single version of SNMP.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In a dispatch subsystem of SNMP architecture, there is only one dispatcher in an SNMP engine and it can handle multiple versions of SNMP messages.
8. The access control subsystem provides access _________ service.
a) authentication
b) security
c) authorization
d) administrative
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Explanation: There are three subsystems in SNMPv3 architecture. They are Dispatcher Subsystem, Message Processing Subsystem and Security and Access Control Subsystem. The access control subsystem provides access to authorization service.
9. What is the function of an XML interpreter in SNMPv3 Architecture?
a) It converts the XML PDU to SNMP PDU
b) It converts SNMP PDU to XML
c) It encrypts the PDU converted to XML
d) It deciphers the PDU encrypted in XML
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Explanation: An SNMP security management architecture that is policy-based is composed of several components. XML interpreter converts the XML PDU to SNMP PDU. It then transfers these SNMP PDUs to other applications.
10. A _________ application is used to generate get-request, get-next-request, get-bulk, and set-request messages.
a) command responder
b) command generator
c) notification receiver
d) notification originator
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Explanation: SNMPv3 formally defines five types of applications. They are command generator, command responder, notification originator, notification receiver, and proxy forwarder. A command generator application is used to generate get-request, get-next-request, get-bulk, and set-request messages.
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