Computer Networks Questions & Answers – ATM & Frame Relay

This set of Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “ATM & Frame Relay”.

1. ATM uses _______________
a) asynchronous frequency division multiplexing
b) asynchronous time division multiplexing
c) asynchronous space division multiplexing
d) asynchronous amplitude division multiplexing
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Answer: b
Explanation: ATM uses a constant data stream consisting of transmission cells to transmit information in a fixed division of time. The packet size remains fixed.

2. ATM standard defines _______ layers.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
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Answer: b
Explanation: The three layers are physical layer, ATM layer and application adoption layer. The physical layer corresponds to the physical layer, ATM layer corresponds to the data link layer and the AAL layer corresponds to the network layer of the OSI model.

3. ATM can be used for ________
a) local area network
b) wide area network
c) campus area network
d) networks covering any range
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Answer: d
Explanation: ATM is a connection oriented network for cell relay which can be implemented for networks covering any area. It uses Time Division Multiplexing and supports voice, video and data communications.

4. An ATM cell has the payload field of __________
a) 32 bytes
b) 48 bytes
c) 64 bytes
d) 128 bytes
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Answer: b
Explanation: An ATM field contains a header and a payload. The header is of 5 bytes and the payload is of 48 bytes. The size of the header remains fixed.

5. ATM and frame relay are ________
a) virtual circuit networks
b) datagram networks
c) virtual private networks
d) virtual public networks
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Answer: a
Explanation: ATM and frame relay are transmission modes in which information is transferred through electric circuit layer as packets. ATM has fixed packet size and frame relay has variable packet size.
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6. In ATM Networks, LCD stands for ____________
a) Local Coverage Determination
b) Loss of Cell Delineation
c) Logically Coded Decimal
d) Local Change Directory
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ATM has helped bring about the merger of computer and telecommunication networks. The ATM Forum, an organization that specifies standards for ATM implementation, has also provided a framework for network management. The subject of ATM is full of acronyms. Therefore LCD in ATM networks stands for ‘Loss of Cell Delineation’.

7. How is Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) established?
a) It can be established by transporting packets in the sequence in which they were transmitted by the source along the same path for a given session
b) It can be established by grouping a number of virtual circuits between two switches into a virtual path
c) It can be established when the connection is established for long periods of time and not switched between sessions
d) It can be established on a per session basis or on a permanent basis between a pair of end stations that carry large volumes of traffic
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Answer: c
Explanation: The VP- VC can be established on a per session basis or on a permanent basis between a pair of end stations that carry large volumes of traffic. In the former ease, the circuit is established as and when needed and torn down after the session is over. This is called the switched virtual circuit (SVC). When the connection is established for long periods of time and not switched between sessions, a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) is established.

8. A public network is the network that is established by the ___________
a) service provider
b) network manager
c) network agent
d) customer
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are two markets for ATM switches using ATM technology, public and private. A public network is the network that is established by the service provider. A private network is primarily a campus network.

9. The broadband network can transport only very low data rate signals.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The broadband network and the narrowband Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) are multimedia networks that provide integrated analog and digital services over the same network. The broadband network can transport very high data rate signals.

10. Broadband network management consists of managing the ____________ using ATM technology.
a) LAN
b) MAN
c) WAN
d) PAN
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Answer: c
Explanation: The broadband network can transport very high data rate signals. It is a multimedia transportation networking. The computer network uses the facilities of the telecommunication network fur transportation over WAN. Thus Broadband network management consists of managing the WAN using ATM technology.

11. In the ATM Network reference model, the public NMS, which manages the public network, responds to the private NMS via the M2 interface.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ATM Forum has defined as management interface architecture, ATM network reference model. There are five interfaces between systems and networks, M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5. The public NMS, which manages the public network, responds to the private NMS via the M3 interface with the relevant information or takes the appropriate action requested.

12. The structure of management information is defined using the _________ syntax.
a) XML
b) ASN.1
d) Haskell
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Answer: b
Explanation: The MIB and the structure of management of information that is required for the management of the ATM network are specified between two sets of documents defined by IETF and the ATM Forum. The structure of management information is defined using the ASN.1 syntax.

13. The _____________ in service has contributed significantly to advances in three network segments of WAN, access network and home/customer premises equipment (CPE) network.
a) broadband network
b) lowband network
c) narrowband network
d) highband network
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Answer: a
Explanation: The broadband network has several interpretations. One of the chief characteristics of broadband service is the integration of voice, video, and data services over the same transportation medium; in other words, it is multimedia transportation networking. The broadband network and service have contributed significantly to advances in three network segments of WAN, access network. and home/customer premises equipment (CPE) network.

14. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is non-scalable.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ATM has helped bring about the merger of computer and telecommunication networks. The implementation of these concepts in a network that is made up of ATM switches achieves high-speed network that can transport all three services (voice, video, and data). The desired quality of service is provided to individual streams (unlike the current Internet) at the same time. Therefore, this network is also easily scalable.

15. ___________ is the interface between a public NMS and a public network.
a) M4
b) M1
c) M2
d) M5
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Answer: a
Explanation: The ATM Forum has defined as management interface architecture, ATM network reference model. There are five interfaces between systems and networks, M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5. Ml and M2 are, respectively, the interfaces between private NMS and either end-user of private network. A private NMS can access its own network-related information in a public network via an M3 interface to the public NMS. M4 is the interface between a public NMS and a public network. M5 is the interface between NMSs of two service providers.

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