Best Books on Computer Science

Computer Science Books

We have compiled a list of the Best Reference Books on Computer Science, which are used by students of top universities, and colleges. This will help you choose the right book depending on if you are a beginner or an expert. Here is the complete list of Computer Science Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on Computer Science below.

Students, who are preparing for competitive exams like GATE, GRE, and various company interviews also refer to many of these Computer Science books.

  1. Popular Computer Science Books
  2. Computer Science Books for Schools
  3. Books on Core Computer Science Subjects
  4. Computer Science Books (Year-wise)
  5. Computer Science Books on Programming Languages
  6. Computer Science Books on Web Technologies
  7. Computer Science Books on Database
  8. Computer Science Books on Information Science & Technology
  9. Additional Computer Science Books Recommendation

1. Popular Computer Science Books

1. “Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science” by Kenneth Bogart and Robert L Drysdale
2. “Logics for Computer Science” by Arindama Singh
3. “Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence” by Ricardo Caferra
4. “Computer Science Programming Basics in Ruby” by Ophir Frieder
5. “An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering (Texts in Computer Science)” by Pankaj Jalote
6. “Computer Organization (Mcgraw-Hill Series in Computer Science)” by Carl Hamacher and Zvonko Vranesic
7. “Cryptography and Computational Number Theory (Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic)” by Kwok Y Lam and Igor Shparlinski
8. “Data Structures and Algorithms (Addison-Wesley Series in Computer Science and Information Pr)” by Alfred V Aho and Jeffrey D Ullman
9. “Foundations of Computer Science” by Ashok Arora
10. “Computer Organization and Architectures For Computer Science Engineering For Gate Exam” by I C E INSTITUTION

You can buy these popular computer science books from “Amazon USA” OR “Amazon India”.

2. Computer Science Books for Schools

Class Books
Class 1 Computer Books 1. “Frank Computer Science 2017 Class 1” by Suchanda Sen
2. “Enter – A Complete Course in Computer Science (Based on Win 7 & Office 13) Book 1 (With CD)” by Shivani Jain
Check the list of best books on “Class 1 Computer Books” here.
Class 2 Computer Books 1. “Frank Computer Science 2017 Class 2” by Suchanda Sen
2. “Enter – A Complete Course in Computer Science (Based on Win 7 & Office 13) Book 2 (With CD)” by Shivani Jain
Check the list of best books on “Class 2 Computer Books” here.
Class 3 Computer Books 1. “Computer Science: Information Technology Coursebook 3” by Sangeeta Panchal
2. “Olympied Excellence Guide For Computer Science Class 3” by Inna Jha
Check the list of best books on “Class 3 Computer Books” here.
Class 4 Computer Books 1. “Computer Science: Information Technology Coursebook 4” by Sangeeta Panchal
2. “Digital Voyage Computer Science Series Class – 4” by Vaishali Gupta
Check the list of best books on “Class 4 Computer Books” here.
Class 5 Computer Books 1. “Frank Computer Science Class 5” by Suchanda Sen
2. “Olympiad Excellence Guide for Computer Science (Class-5)” by Joby Jose
Check the list of best books on “Class 5 Computer Books” here.
Class 6 Computer Books 1. “Frank computer Science – Class 6” by Suchanda Sen
2. “Computer Science: Information Technology Coursebook 6” by Sangeeta Panchal and Alka Sabharwal
Check the list of best books on “Class 6 Computer Books” here.
Class 7 Computer Books 1. “Computer in Action for CBSE Class 7” by Shweta Malik and Anshu Kumar
2. “Take Off with Computers 7” by Sarika and Kaushal
Check the list of best books on “Class 7 Computer Books” here.
Class 8 Computer Books 1. “Computer Science: Information Technology Coursebook 8” by Sangeeta Panchal and Alka Sabharwal
2. “Frank computer Science – Class 8” by Suchanda Sen
Check the list of best books on “Class 8 Computer Books” here.
Class 9 Computer Books 1. “Let’s Log In Anew! 9 Computer fundamentals book by Pearson for Class 9” by Nancy Sehgal
2. “Understanding Computer Applications with Blue J Class – IX (2018-19 Session)” by V.K. Pandey and D.K. Dey
Check the list of best books on “Class 9 Computer Books” here.
Class 10 Computer Books 1. “Let’s Log In Anew! 10 Computer fundamentals book by Pearson for Class 10” by Nancy Sehgal
2. “APC Understanding Computer Applications with BlueJ ICSE Class 10” by Vijay Kumar Pandey & Dilip Kumar Dey
Check the list of best books on “Class 10 Computer Books” here.
Class 11 Computer Science Books 1. “Computer Science With C++by Sumita Arora for Class 11” by Sumita Arora
2. “Computer Science with Python Specimen Copy Textbook for Class 11 (2018-2019) Session” by Sumita Arora
Check the list of best books on “Class 11 Computer Science Books” here.
Class 12 Computer Science Books 1. “Computer Science With C++ (Set of 2 Volume) by Sumita Arora (2018-19 Session) for Class 12” by Sumita Arora
2. “Computer Science with C++ – 12: Educational Book” by Reeta Sahoo
Check the list of best books on “Class 12 Computer Science Books” here.


3. Books on Core Computer Science Subjects

CS Subject Books
Symbolic Logic and Automated Reasoning Books 1. “Logics for Computer Science” by Arindama Singh
2. “Mathematical Logic for Computer Science” by M Ben-Ari
Check the list of best books on “Symbolic Logic and Automated Reasoning” here.
Computational Complexity Books 1. “Computer Architecture” by John L
2. “Computer System Architecture and Organization” by Usha M
Check the list of best books on “Computational Complexity” here.
Computer-Networks Books 1. “Computer Networks” by Andrew S Tanenbaum
2. “Computer Networks 5th Edition” by Tanenbaum
Check the list of best books on “Computer-Networks” here.
Computer Organization and Architecture Books 1. “Computer Architecture and Organization” by John P Hayes
2. “Computer Architecture & Organization” by Raj Kamal and Nicholas Carter
Check the list of best books on “Computer Organization and Architecture” here.
Advanced Computer Architecture Books 1. “Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach” by John L Hennessy and David A Patterson
2. “Computer Architecture: Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design” by M J Flynn
Check the list of best books on “Advanced Computer Architecture” here.
Logic for Computer Science Books 1. “Mathematical Logic for Computer Science” by M Ben-Ari
2. “Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems” by Michael Huth and Mark Ryan
Check the list of best books on “Logic for Computer Science” here.
Programming and Data Structures Books 1. “The C Programming Language” by Brian W Kernighan and Dennis M Ritchie
2. “How to Solve it by Computer” by R G Dromey
Check the list of best books on “Programming and Data Structures” here.
Advanced Graph Theory Books 1. “Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science” by Narsingh Deo
2. “Groups Acting on Graphs” by Bela Bollobas
Check the list of best books on “Advanced Graph Theory” here.
Artificial Intelligence Books 1. “Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Computer Graphics illustrated edition” by Plemenos
2. “Artificial Intelligence” by Luger
Check the list of best books on “Artificial Intelligence” here.
Applied Graph Theory Books 1. “Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science” by Narsingh Deo
2. “Graph Theory for Programmers” by Evstigneev Kasyanov Vladimir
Check the list of best books on “Applied Graph Theory” here.
VLSI System Design Books 1. “Computer-Aided Design and VLSI Device Development” by Soo-Young Oh Keunmyung Lee
2. “Modern VLSI Design: Systems on Silicon” by W Wolf
Check the list of best books on “VLSI System Design” here.
Switching Circuits and Logic Design Books 1. “Computer Methods for Analysis of Mixed-Mode Switching Circuits” by Fei Yuan Ajoy Opal Yuan Opal
2. “Switching and Finite Automata Theory” by Z Kohavi
Check the list of best books on “Switching Circuits and Logic Design” here.
Foundations of Computing Books 1. “Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision” by Reinhard Klette and Franc Solina
2. “Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics” by Ralph P Grimaldi
Check the list of best books on “Foundations of Computing” here.
Theory of Computation Books 1. “Theory of Computer Science: Automata, Languages and Computation” by K L P Mishra
2. “The Theory of Computation” by Bernard M Moret
Check the list of best books on “Theory of Computation ” here.
Embedded Systems Books 1. “Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing Systems Design” by Wayne Wolf
2. “Test Driven Development for Embedded C” by James W Grenning
Check the list of best books on “Embedded Systems” here.
Speech and Natural Language Processing Books 1. “Spoken Multimodal Human-Computer Dialogue in Mobile Environments” by Dirk Buhler Laila Dybkjaer
2. “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing” by Chris Manning and Hinrich Schuetze
Check the list of best books on “Speech and Natural Language Processing” here.
Principles of Programming Languages Books 1. “Foundations for Programming Languages” by John C Mitchell
2. “Types and Programming Languages” by Benjamin C Pierce
Check the list of best books on “Principles of Programming Languages” here.
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Books 1. “Fundamentals of Microprocessors And Microcontrollers” Ram B
2. “Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers” by Crisp John Crisp
Check the list of best books on “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers” here.
Computational Geometry Books 1. “Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications” by Mark de Berg
2. “Computational Geometry: An Introduction” by F P Preparata and Michael I Shamos
Check the list of best books on “Computational Geometry” here.
High Performance Computer Architecture Books 1. “A Parallel Algorithm Synthesis Procedure for High-Performance Computer Architectures” by Dunn Ian N
2. “A High Performance Architecture for PROLOG” Dobry T P Dobry
Check the list of best books on “High Performance Computer Architecture” here.
Multimedia Applications Books 1. “Multimedia Systems” by Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt
2. “Multimedia Communications: Directions and Innovations” by J D Gibson
Check the list of best books on “Multimedia Applications” here.
Object Oriented Systems Books 1. “Foundations of Object Oriented Languages” by Kim Bruce
2. ”Object-Oriented Design & Patterns” by Horstmann C
Check the list of best books on “Object Oriented Systems” here.
Database Management Systems Books 1. “An Introduction to Database Systems” by Bipin Desai
2. “Principles of Database Systems” by J D Ullman
Check the list of best books on “Database Management Systems” here.
Formal Languages and Automata Theory Books 1. “Introduction to the Theory of Computation” by Michael Sipser
2. “Introduction to Languages and The Theory of Computation” by John Martin
Check the list of best books on “Formal Languages and Automata Theory” here.
Compilers Books 1. “Engineering a Compiler” by Keith D Cooper and Linda Torczon
2. “Elements of Compiler Design” by Meduna
Check the list of best books on “Compilers” here.
Cryptography and Network Security Books 1. “A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography” by Neal Koblitz
2. “Cryptography Theory and Practice” by Doug Stinson
Check the list of best books on “Cryptography and Network Security” here.
Machine Learning Books 1. “Machine Learning in Action” by Peter Harrington
2. “Machine Learning with R” by Brett Lantz
Check the list of best books on “Machine Learning” here.
Image Processing Books 1. “Digital Image Processing” by S Sridhar
2. “Digital Image Processing” by Rafael C Gonzalez
Check the list of best books on “Image Processing” here.
Distributed Systems Books 1. “Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems” by Mukesh Singhal and Niranjan Shivaratri
2. “Distributed Algorithms” by Nancy Lynch
Check the list of best books on “Distributed Systems” here.
Database Engineering Books 1. “Database System Concepts” by Abraham Silberschatz and Henry Korth
2. “Database Management Systems” by Raghu Ramakrishnan
Check the list of best books on “Database Engineering” here.
Advances in Compiler Construction Books 1. “Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools” by Alfred V Aho and Ravi Sethi
2. “Modern Compiler Implementation in C/Java” by Andrew W Appel
Check the list of best books on “Advances in Compiler Construction ” here.
Real Time Systems Books 1. “Real Time Systems: Theory and Practice” by R Mall
2. “Real Time Systems” by C M Krishna and K G Shin
Check the list of best books on “Real Time Systems” here.
Discrete Mathematics Books 1. “Discrete Mathematics” by Norman L Biggs
2. “Discrete Mathematics with Applications” by Thomas Koshy
Check the list of best books on “Discrete Mathematics” here.
Theory of Programming Languages Books 1. “Foundations for Programming Languages” by John C Mitchell
2. “Types and Programming Languages” by Benjamin C Pierce
Check the list of best books on “Theory of Programming Languages” here.
Software Engineering Books 1. “Software Engineering 1st Edition” by Udit Agarwal
2. “Software Engineering” by Gaurav Gupta and Deepika Gupta
Check the list of best books on “Software Engineering” here.
Algorithms Books 1. “Introduction to Algorithms” by T H Cormen and C L Leiserson
2. “Algorithm Design” by J Kleinberg and E Tardos
Check the list of best books on “Algorithms” here.
Formal Systems Books 1. “Introduction to the Theory of Computation” by Michael Sipser
2. “Introduction to Computability” by Fred C Hennie
Check the list of best books on “Formal Systems” here.
Multimedia Systems Books 1. “Multimedia Systems” by Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt
2. “Multimedia Communications: Directions and Innovations” by J D Gibson
Check the list of best books on “Multimedia Systems” here.
Complex Networks Books 1. “Evolution of Networks” by S N Dorogovtsev and J F F Mendes
2. “Complex Networks: Structure, Robustness and Function” by Reuven Cohen and ‎Shlomo Havlin
Check the list of best books on “Complex Networks” here.
Information Retrieval Books 1. “Introduction to Information Retrieval” by Manning and Schutze
2. “Modern Information Retrieval” by Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto
Check the list of best books on “Information Retrieval” here.

4. Computer Science Books (Year-wise)

1st Year Computer Science Books (1st & 2nd Semester)

CS Subject Books
C Programming Books 1. “Computer Basics and C Programming” by Rajaraman V
2. “The C Programming Language” by Brian W Kernighan / Dennis Ritchie
Check the list of best books on “C Programming” here.
Python Programming Books 1. “Learning Python” by Mark Lutz
2. “Beginning Programming with Python for Dummies” by John Paul Mueller
Check the list of best books on “Python Programming” here.
Fundamentals of Computer Science Books 1. “Computer Fundamentals” by P K Sinha
2. “Computer Fundamentals” by Goel
Check the list of best books on “Fundamentals of Computer Science” here.

2nd Year Computer Science Books (3rd & 4th Semester)

CS Subject Books
Programming and Data Structures Books 1. “Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy: Data Structures and Algorithmic Puzzles” by Narasimha Karumanchi
2. “Data Structures and Algorithms” by AHO
Check the list of best books on “Programming and Data Structures” here.
Software Engineering Books 1. “Fundamentals of Software Engineering” by Rajib Mall
2. “Software Engineering” by Ian Sommerville
Check the list of best books on “Software Engineering” here.
Discrete Mathematics Books 1. “Discrete Mathematics and its Applications” by Kenneth H Rosen
2. “Elements of Discrete Mathematics” by C L Liu
Check the list of best books on “Discrete Mathematics” here.
Algorithms Books 1. “Online Computation and Competitive Analysis” by Allan Borodin and Ran El-Yaniv
2. “An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory” by M Kearns and U Vazirani
Check the list of best books on “Algorithms” here.
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Books 1. “Microprocessors: Principles and Applications” by A Pal
2. “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals” by A K Ray and K M Bhurchandi
Check the list of best books on “Microprocessors and Microcontrollers” here.
Embedded Systems Books 1. “Embedded System Design” by Peter Marwedel
2. ”Embedded Systems: A Contemporary Design Tool” by James K Peckol
Check the list of best books on “Embedded Systems” here.
Object Oriented Systems Books 1. “Object Oriented Software Construction” by Bertrand Meyer
2. “Object Oriented Analysis and Design” by Grady Booch
Check the list of best books on “Object Oriented Systems” here.

3rd Year Computer Science Books (5th & 6th Semester)

CS Subject Books
Computer-Networks Books 1. “Data and Computer Communication” by William Stallings
2. “Data Communication and Networking” by Behrouz A Forouzan
Check the list of best books on “Computer-Networks” here.
Database Management Systems Books 1. “Database System Concepts” by Abraham Silberschatz and S Sudarshan
2. “Introduction to Database Management Systems” by Kahate
Check the list of best books on “Database Management Systems” here.
Formal Languages and Automata Theory Books 1. “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation” by John E Hopcroft and Jeffrey D Ullman
2. “Automata and Computability” by Dexter C Kozen
Check the list of best books on “Formal Languages and Automata Theory” here.
Compilers Books 1. “Compiler Design” by Winster and Aruna Devi
2. “Compiler Design in C” by Allen I Holob
Check the list of best books on “Compilers” here.
Applied Graph Theory Books 1. “Introduction to Graph Theory” by Douglas B West
2. “Graph Theory” by Frank Harary
Check the list of best books on “Applied Graph Theory” here.

4th Year Computer Science Books (7th & 8th Semester)

CS Subject Books
Cryptography and Network Security Books 1. “Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice” by William Stallings
2. “Introduction to Cryptography” by Johannes A Buchmann
Check the list of best books on “Cryptography and Network Security” here.
Artificial Intelligence Books 1. “Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis” by Nils J Nilsson
2. “Artificial Intelligence” by Negnevitsky
Check the list of best books on “Artificial Intelligence” here.
Machine Learning Books 1. “Machine Learning” by Tom Mitchell
2. “Introduction To Machine Learning” by Ethem Alpaydin
Check the list of best books on “Machine Learning” here.
Image Processing Books 1. “Digital Image Processing” by Gonzalez and Woods
2. “Digital Image Processing” by William K Pratt
Check the list of best books on “Image Processing” here.


5. Computer Science Books on Programming Languages

CS Subject Books
C Programming Books 1. “Let Us C” by Yashwant Kanetkar
2. “Computer Basics and C Programming” by Rajaraman V
Check the list of best books on “C Programming” here.
C++ Programming Books 1. “C++ A Beginner’s Guide” by Herbert schildt
2. “The C++ Programming Language” by Bjarne Stroustrup
Check the list of best books on “C++ Programming” here.
C# Programming Books 1. “Programming in C#” by Balagurusamy
2. “C#: C Sharp Programming Guide for Beginners” by Craig Benson
Check the list of best books on “C# Programming” here.
Java Programming Books 1. “Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies” by Barry A Burd
2. “Programming with Java” by Balagurusamy
Check the list of best books on “Java Programming” here.
Python Programming Books 1. “Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science” by John Zelle
2. “Programming Python” by Mark Lutz and O’Reilly Media
Check the list of best books on “Python Programming” here.
Ruby Programming Books 1. “Ruby Programming Ebook” by Arun Jagota
2. “Programming Ruby” by Dave Thomas
Check the list of best books on “Ruby Programming” here.

6. Computer Science Books on Web Technologies

CS Subject Books
PHP Books 1. “PHP: A Beginner’s Guide” by Vikram Vaswani
2. “PHP Programming For Beginners: The Simple Guide to Learning PHP Fast!” by Tim Warren
Check the list of best books on “PHP” here.
JavaScript Books 1. “JavaScript The Definitive Guide” by David Flanagan
2. “Functional JavaScript” by Michael Fogus
Check the list of best books on “JavaScript” here.
HTML Books 1. “HTML5: Up and Running” by Mark Pilgrim
2. “Programming: Computer Programming For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of HTML5” by Joseph Connor
Check the list of best books on “HTML” here.
CSS Books 1. “Cascading Style Sheets (Quickstudy: Computer)” by Inc BarCharts
2. “Beginning CSS3” by David Powers
Check the list of best books on “CSS” here.

7. Computer Science Books on Database

CS Subject Books
SQL Books 1. “SQL Simplified” by Cecelia L Allison
2. “SQL” by William Smith
Check the list of best books on “SQL” here.
MySQL Books 1. “MySQL” by Paul DuBois
2. “MySQL Database Design and Tuning” by Robert D Schneider
Check the list of best books on “MySQL” here.
SQL Server Books 1. “Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases” by Orin Thomas
2. “Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012” by Ross Mistry
Check the list of best books on “SQL Server” here.
Oracle Books 1. “Oracle Database 12c The Complete Reference” by Bob Bryla
2. “Oracle Database 12c: Install, Configure & Maintain Like a Professional” by Ian Abramson
Check the list of best books on “Oracle” here.
MongoDB Books 1. “MongoDB: The Definitive Guide” by Kristina Chodorow
2. “The Little MongoDB Book” by Karl Seguin
Check the list of best books on “MongoDB” here.


8. Computer Science Books on Information Science & Technology

CS Subject Books
Linux Books 1. “Linux System Programming” by Love Robert
2. “Linux Kernel Development” by Love
Check the list of best books on “Linux” here.
JUnit Books 1. “Open Source Technology” by Bhavyesh Gandhi and Kailash Vadera
2. “Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language” by Mark Gardener
Check the list of best books on “JUnit” here.
Visual Basic Books 1. “Programming in Visual Basic” by McBride
2. “Programming in Visual Basic 6” by Ivan Bayross
Check the list of best books on “Visual Basic” here.
Operating Systems Books 1. “Design of the Unix Operating Systems” by Maurice Bach
2. “Operating System Concepts: Windows Xp Update 6th Edition” by Silberschatz Galvin Gagne
Check the list of best books on “Operating Systems” here.

9. Additional Computer Science Books Recommendation

1. Computer Science with Python Class 11 Book by Sumita Arora/Preeti Arora
2. Computer Science with Python Class 12 Book by Sumita Arora/Preeti Arora
3. Computer Science with C++ Book
4. Computer Science Distilled Book
5. Theory of Computer Science Book
6. DSSSB – TGT Computer Science Exam Guide Book
7. UGC NET Computer Science Book
8. Gate Computer Science Book

You can buy these additional reference books on computer science from “Amazon USA” OR “Amazon India”.

We have put a lot of effort into researching the best books on Computer Science and came out with a recommended list and their reviews. If any more book needs to be added to this list, please email us. We are working on free pdf downloads for books on Computer Science and will publish the download link here. Fill out this Computer Science books pdf download" request form for download notification.

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