Computer Networks Questions & Answers – RIP v2

This set of Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers focuses on “RIP v2”.

1. Which statement is true regarding classless routing protocols?
a) The use of discontinuous networks is not allowed
b) The use of variable length subnet masks is permitted
c) RIPv1 is a classless routing protocol
d) RIPv2 supports classless routing
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Answer: b
Explanation: Classful routing means that all hosts in the internetwork use the same mask. Classless routing means that you can use Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSMs) and can also support discontinuous networking.

2. What is route poisoning?
a) It sends back the protocol received from a router as a poison pill, which stops the regular updates. The use of variable length subnet masks is permitted
b) It is information received from a router that can’t be sent back to the originating router.RIPv2 supports classless routing
c) It prevents regular update messages from reinstating a route that has just come up
d) It describes when a router sets the metric for a downed link to infinity
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Answer: d
Explanation: When a network goes down, the distance-vector routing protocol initiates route poisoning by advertising the network with a metric of 16, or unreachable.

3. Which of the following is true regarding RIPv2?
a) It has a lower administrative distance than RIPv1
b) It converges faster than RIPv1
c) It has the same timers as RIPv1
d) It is harder to configure than RIPv1
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Answer: c
Explanation: RIPv2 is pretty much just like RIPv1. It has the same administrative distance and timers and is configured just like RIPv1.

4. Which of the situations might not require multiple routing protocols in a network?
a) When a new Layer 2-only switch is added to the network
b) When you are migrating from one routing protocol to another
c) When you are using routers from multiple vendors
d) When there are host-based routers from multiple vendors
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Answer: a
Explanation: Multiple routing protocols are required only when we need to migrate from one routing protocol to another, or when we are using routers from multiple vendors, or when there are host-based routers from multiple vendors. Routing is not a layer-2 function so we don’t require multiple routing protocols when new layer-2 switch is added.

5. Which two routing protocols can be redistributed into OSPF by a Cisco router?
a) IP EIGRP and AppleTalk EIGRP
b) AppleTalk EIGRP and RIPv2
c) RIPv2 and IP EIGRP
d) IPX RIP & AppleTalk EIGRP
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Answer: c
Explanation: OSPF stands for Open Shortest Path First. It is a Link state routing protocol. IP EIGRP and RIPv2 can be redistributed into OSPF by a Cisco router.
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6. Which is a reason for avoiding doing route redistribution on two routers between the same two routing domains?
a) Higher cost of two routers
b) Routing feedback
c) Cisco IOS incompatibility
d) Not possible to use two routers
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Answer: b
Explanation: Routing feedback is an anomaly in which the routing protocols go back and forth between one route and another. Routing feedback is a reason for avoiding doing route redistribution on two routers between the same two routing domains.

7. What does administrative distance rank?
a) Metrics
b) Sources of routing information
c) Router reliability
d) Best paths
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Answer: b
Explanation: Sources of routing information is the administrative distance rank. It is used by routers to select the best path when there are different routes to the same destination. It’s used only two different routing protocols are being used.

8. Which protocol maintains neighbor adjacencies?
a) RIPv2 and EIGRP
c) RIPv2
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Answer: c
Explanation: Neighbor adjacency refers to the formal handshake performed by neighboring routers. It is to be done before the router share any routing information. RIP V2 maintains neighbor adjacencies.

9. Which routing protocol implements the diffusing update algorithm?
a) IS-IS
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Answer: c
Explanation: The diffusing update algorithm (DUAL) is used to maintain backup routes to a destination for when the primary route fails. EIGRP routing protocol implements the diffusing update algorithm.

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