Computer Networks Questions & Answers – Telnet – 2

This set of Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Telnet – 2”.

1. Telnet protocol is used to establish a connection to __________
a) TCP port number 21
b) TCP port number 22
c) TCP port number 23
d) TCP port number 25
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Answer: c
Explanation: TCP port 21 is used for FTP, TCP port 22 is used for SSH and TCP port 25 is used for SMTP. Telnet provides access to a command line interface on a remote computer using the TCP port number 23.

2. Which one of the following is not true?
a) telnet defines a network virtual terminal (NVT) standard
b) client programs interact with NVT
c) server translates NVT operations
d) client can transfer files using to remote server using NVT
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Answer: d
Explanation: The client can use the NVT only to interact with the programs already present on the remote server, not to transfer files to it. To transfer files, an FTP connection has to be used.

3. All telnet operations are sent as ________
a) 4 bits
b) 8 bits
c) 16 bits
d) 32 bits
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Answer: b
Explanation: Telnet provides a bi-directional, 8-bit byte oriented communications facility through which operations are sent as 8-bit bytes for the server to interpret.

4. AbsoluteTelnet is a telnet client for _______ Operating system.
a) windows
b) linux
c) mac
d) ubuntu
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Answer: a
Explanation: AbsoluteTelnet was originally released in 1999. It was developed by Brian Pence of Celestial Software.

5. The decimal code of Interpret as Command (IAC) character is _______
a) 252
b) 253
c) 254
d) 255
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Answer: d
Explanation: If we want that a character be interpreted by the client instead of server, we use the IAC character. If IAC is followed by any other code than IAC, the client interprets it as a character.

6. Which of the following is true for character mode operation of telnet implementation?
a) each character typed is sent by the client to the server
b) each character typed is discarded by the server
c) each character typed is aggregated into a word and then sent to the server
d) each character type is aggregated into a line and then sent to the server
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Answer: a
Explanation: In character mode, each character that the user is typing is immediately sent to the server which then interprets it only after the complete operation command is received.

7. In which mode of telnet, the client echoes the character on the screen but does not send it until a whole line is completed?
a) default mode
b) character mode
c) server mode
d) command mode
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the default mode, the client does not send each character typed by the user to the server, thus saving the amount of packet transmissions required for executing each operation. But the server has to remain idle until the client sends the completed line wasting a lot of time.

8. Which one of the following is not correct?
a) telnet is a general purpose client-server program
b) telnet lets user access an application on a remote computer
c) telnet can also be used for file transfer
d) telnet can be used for remote login
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Answer: c
Explanation: File Transfer Protocol is used for file transfer. Telnet provides access to the command-line interface on a remote host.

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