This set of Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “SSH”.
1. Secure shell (SSH) network protocol is used for __________
a) secure data communication
b) remote command-line login
c) remote command execution
d) all of the mentioned
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Explanation: SSH provides high encryption and security features while communicating through a network. It is a cryptographic network protocol.
2. SSH can be used in only _____________
a) unix-like operating systems
b) windows
c) both unix-like and windows systems
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: SSH isn’t confined to a certain network or operating system. It can be implemented over different networks and on different operating systems.
3. SSH uses ___________ to authenticate the remote computer.
a) public-key cryptography
b) private-key cryptography
c) any of public-key or private-key
d) both public-key & private-key
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Explanation: Public encryption key is slower but more flexible. Every cryptographic security system requires a private key for private access and a public key for location.
4. Which standard TCP port is assigned for contacting SSH servers?
a) port 21
b) port 22
c) port 23
d) port 24
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Explanation: Port 22 is used for contacting ssh servers, used for file transfers (scp, sftp) and also port forwarding.
5. Which one of the following protocol can be used for login to a shell on a remote host except SSH?
a) telnet
b) rlogin
c) both telnet and rlogin
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: SSH is more secured then telnet and rlogin.
6. Which one of the following is a file transfer protocol using SSH?
a) SCP
c) Rsync
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: SCP (Secure copy protocol), SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) and Rsync all are file transfer protocols which are used by SSH.
7. SSH-2 does not contain ______________
a) transport layer
b) user authentication layer
c) physical layer
d) connection layer
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Explanation: SSH2 is a more secure, portable and efficient version of SSH that includes SFTP, which is functionally similar to FTP, but is SSH2 encrypted.
8. Which one of the following feature was present in SSH protocol, version 1?
a) password changing
b) periodic replacement of session keys
c) support for public-key certificates
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: All of the mentioned features are provided by SSH-2 and that SSH-1 only provide strong authentication and guarantee confidentiality.
9. SCP protocol is evolved from __________ over SSH.
a) RCP protocol
b) DHCP protocol
c) MGCP protocol
d) GCP protocol
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Explanation: RCP is the abbreviation for Rate Control Protocol is a congestion control algorithm for fast user response times.
10. Which one of the following authentication method is used by SSH?
a) public-key
b) host based
c) password
d) all of the mentioned
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Explanation: SSH used public key authentication, Password authentication, Host based authentication, keyboard authentication and authentication of servers.
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