This set of Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “P2P Applications”.
1. Which layer is responsible for process-to-process delivery?
a) Physical layer
b) Network layer
c) Transport layer
d) Application layer
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Explanation: The transport layer is responsible for process-to-process delivery, error control and flow control. It provides an interface for the implementation of process to process delivery through ports. There are 65,535 port numbers.
2. In process-to-process delivery, two processes communicate in which of the following methods?
a) Client/Server
b) Source/Destination
c) Message Transfer
d) Peer to Peer
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Explanation: The most common method used for this communication is Client/Server. The client requests a service through a particular port number to the port of the server using its socket address. Then the server responds by giving the requested service to the client port.
3. Multiple processes on destinations at transport layer are identified by __________
a) Mac address
b) Port number
c) Host number
d) Host address
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Explanation: Multiple processes on destinations are identified by a transport layer address also called as port number. The IP address along with the port number is called the socket address.
4. Range of port numbers in Internet model is __________
a) 0 and 32,765(8-bit)
b) 0 and 32,765(16-bit)
c) 0 and 65,535(32-bit)
d) 0 and 65,535(16-bit)
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Explanation: Port numbers are 16-bit integers between 0 and 65,535. They are an interface for the implementation of process to process delivery for the transport layer.
5. According to Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which of the following ranges is not a part of port number ranges?
a) Well-known ports
b) Registered ports
c) Dynamic ports
d) Static ports
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Explanation: IANA divided port numbers into three ranges i.e., Well-known, Registered and Dynamic ports. Well-known port numbers range from 0 to 1023, registered port numbers are from 1024 to 49151 and dynamic port numbers are from 49152 to 65535.
6. The combination of an IP address and port number is called as ________
a) Socket address
b) Port address
c) MAC address
d) Host address
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Explanation: Socket address is the combination of an IP address and a port number and it is used to define the client-end and server-end processes uniquely.
7. Which of the following is false with respect to Connectionless service of transport layer protocol?
a) Packets are not numbered
b) Packets are not delayed
c) No acknowledgement
d) Packet may arrive out of sequence
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Explanation: There is a high probability in connectionless services like UDP that the packet gets delayed or lost because there is no connection made between the two end nodes. No connection means that there is no unique pathway for the packets to travel.
8. Correct order in the process of Connection-Oriented services is ________
i. Data transfer
ii. Connection release
iii. Connection establishment
a) i-ii-iii
b) iii-ii-i
c) ii-i-iii
d) iii-i-ii
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Explanation: First the client has to request a connection and the server has to accept the connection to establish a connection. Then data transfer can start between the two ends. Then both client and server need to terminate their ends to terminate the connection.
9. In transport layer, Multiplexing is done at _________
a) Channel
b) Receiver site
c) Sender site
d) Packet
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Explanation: At the sender’s side, there are multiple processes which may want to send packets. But there is only one transport layer protocol like TCP or UDP working at a time. So the transport layer protocol gets the messages from these processes and separates them with different port numbers. This process is called multiplexing and it is done before sending packets to the receivers side.
10. The process of error checking and dropping of the header, delivering messages to appropriate process based on port number is called as _______
a) Delivery of packets
b) Error correction
c) Multiplexing
d) Demultiplexing
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Explanation: Demultiplexing is the process of error checking and dropping of the header, delivering messages to appropriate process based on port number. The transport layer does this on the receiver’s end after the packet is received and takes help of the header attached by the sender’s side transport layer during multiplexing.
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