Computer Networks Questions & Answers – MAC Address

This set of Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “MAC Address”.

1. Which of the following is not a name for MAC(Media Access Control) in data link layer?
a) Burned-in-address
b) Hardware address
c) Physical address
d) Logical address
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Answer: d
Explanation: MAC(media access control)address will be assigned to NIC(Network Interface Controller). These addresses are assigned by the manufacture of those particular devices and are unique. Logical address is the IP address of the network.

2. What is the size of MAC address in medium access control sub layer?
a) 48 bytes
b) 48 bits
c) 32 bits
d) 32 bytes
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Answer: b
Explanation: MAC address is a 48 bit with 6 octets and can be represented as EUI-48. As MAC address is a 48 bit space, 248 MAC addresses are possible. Non-Ethernet applications can have EUI-64 address.

3. Which of the following is not a separator to be used in MAC address?
a) Hyphen(-)
b) Period(.)
c) Colon(:)
d) Dollar($)
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Answer: d
Explanation: These separators are chosen by manufacturer, who manufactures the device. Hyphen is used by MICROSOFT, period(.) is used by CISCO, colon(:) is used by LINUX. Dollar is not used as a separator.

4. Which of the following is the correct sentence about MAC address?
a) Represented in decimal
b) 32-bit space is used
c) Represented in hexadecimal
d) Not used for communication
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Answer: c
Explanation: IP address is represented in decimals (, whereas, MAC address is represented in hexadecimal(60-30-74-00-ED-FC). The MAC address has total of 6 octets and each octet has 8 bits that is 2 hexadecimal numbers(48bits).

5. What is the primary use of MAC filtering on wireless networks?
a) Efficiency
b) Speed
c) Security
d) Performance
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Answer: c
Explanation: MAC filtering allows only approved MAC addresses to send traffic in the network. It provides security, even if hacker hijacks the IP address. Because, the hacker will not be allowed into network without approved MAC address.

6. Which of the following is not a type of MAC address?
a) Uni-cast MAC address
b) Multicast MAC address
c) Broadcast MAC address
d) Multiple cast MAC address
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Answer: d
Explanation: MAC address can be UNICAST, MULTICAST or BROADCAST. If LSB(least significant bit) is zero(0) of first octet of the MAC address, then it is uni-cast. LSB is one(1) for multicast and one(1) in all bits of the address is broadcast.

7. Which of the following is not a similarity between MAC and IP address?
a) Unique
b) Used for communication
c) Every device should have it
d) Both Operates on data link layer
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Answer: d
Explanation: MAC addresses are used by the switch in the data link layer, whereas IP addresses are used by the router in network layer. IP address will change depending upon network in which the device is present but, MAC address is constant.

8. Which of the following hardware in our computer is embedded with MAC address?
a) Keyboard
b) NIC
c) Chip
d) Driver
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Answer: b
Explanation: NIC(network interface card) knows only about MAC address which is embedded in it. It doesn’t know about IP address and it is the only hardware in the device which is aware of network communication.

9. How many octets are dedicated to OUI(Organizationally unique identifier) in in 48 MAC address space?
a) 5
b) 3
c) 2
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: OUI is the address that is universally administered and identifies the the device uniquely. Out of six octets, three octets are used to identify the OUI, that to which organization it belongs.

10. Nodes in a network(router) has only one MAC address in the network.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: A network node can have number of MAC addresses based on the number of interfaces. Network node has unique MAC address for each interface(NIC). But it is possible for two NICs to share MAC address, which are connected to different networks.

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