Computer Networks Questions & Answers – SMI

This set of Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “SMI”.

1. Storage management comprises of _______________
a) SAN Management
b) Data protection
c) Disk operation
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: SAN management, data protection and disk operation are the main components of the Storage Management Initiative Specification. SMI-S was developed by the Storage Networking Industry Association.

2. Which of the following is not a storage device?
a) Switch
b) RAID Arrays
c) Tape drives
d) Hub
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Answer: d
Explanation: Switches, RAID arrays and tape drives are the main storage devices in SMI-S, while a Hub is simple networking device that cannot be used as storage.

3. Which protocols are used for Storage management?
c) POP3
d) MIB
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Answer: a
Explanation: Simple Network Management Protocol is used for storage management. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is used to access or locate information about directories and other resources on a network. Post Office Protocol 3 is used for e-mailing on the internet. Management Information Base is a part of SNMP and contains hierarchically organized information.

4. Identify the difficulty a SAN administrator does not incur while dealing with diverse vendors.
a) Proprietary management interfaces
b) Multiple applications to manage storage in the data center
c) No single view
d) Single view
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Answer: d
Explanation: A single view is not possible with diverse vendors present. Proprietary management interfaces, multiple applications management and no single view are the main difficulties incurred by a SAN administrator in such a situation.

5. How do Storage administrators ensure secure access to storage devices?
a) By using Zoning
b) By putting a physical lock on the storage device
c) By keeping devices shutdown when not in use
d) By keeping devices when used
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Answer: a
Explanation: Zoning is a method in SAN that can be used by a storage administrator to specify who can see what in the SAN. Zoning might complicate the scaling process if the size of the SAN increases.

6. Effective Storage management does not include __________
a) security
b) backups
c) reporting
d) connection
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Answer: d
Explanation: Connection is the responsibility of the connection manager. Storage management includes management of all necessities such as security, backups and reporting facilities.

7. Among the following, identify which task is not involved in Storage Capacity management?
a) Identifying storage systems are approaching full capacity
b) Monitoring trends for each resource
c) Tracking Total capacity, total used, total available
d) Preventing unauthorized access to the storage
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Answer: d
Explanation: Prevention of unauthorized access to storage is the task of Security management. Identifying when the storage is approaching full capacity, monitoring trends, reporting and tracking capacity are the tasks of Storage Capacity management.

8. Effect of open standards like SMI(s) is _______________
a) standardization drives software interoperability and interchange ability
b) breaks the old-style dependence on proprietary methods, trade secrets, and single providers
c) builds a strong foundation on which others can quickly build and innovate
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Open standards like SMI-S inculcate a general ideal through which the normal designers are able to easily implement the standard into their software and its scalability. Since it is open-source, nothing is hidden from its users and they can implement it as they like or require to. As a whole lot of time is spent to build it as strong and scalable, it provides an efficient foundation to the designers to build and innovate on.

9. Task of Distributed Management Task Force is not ________
a) to promote interoperability among the management solution providers
b) to act as an interface between the various budding technologies and provide solution to manage various environments
c) to track the operation of the different management solution providers
d) to manage the facility by itself if one of the management solution providers fail
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Distributed Management Task Force is used just to simplify the overall management of the network. It cannot manage a network facility by itself in case one of the management solution providers fails. It provides an interface for promoting interoperability among management solution providers.

10. SMI-S Standard uses which of the following?
a) Java RMI
d) .NET
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Distributed Management Task Force maintains a Common Information Model (CIM) to represent a common set of network objects and their relationships. CIM-XML/HTTP refers to the operations of CIM being performed over HTTP or XML. SMI-S uses CIM-XML/HTTP.

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