This set of Bioseparation Technology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cell Disruption using Detergents and Enzymes”.
1. The detergents ruptures the cell membrane by solubilising __________
a) phospholipids
b) periplasmic layer
c) nucleus
d) proteins
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Explanation: The detergents denature the hydrophobic phospholipids of the plasma membrane and give their miscibility to the membrane. At low concentration the detergent binds to water soluble proteins and separates the lipid molecules of the membrane.
2. Detergents are used for lysis of ___________
a) plant cell
b) mammalian cell
c) bacterial cell
d) yeast cell
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Explanation: Mammalian cells are generally lysed by using detergents. The mammalian cells are bounded by the cell membrane and the use of detergents will help in easy disruption of protein rich lipid bi-layer.
3. How to disrupt the bacterial cell using detergents?
a) Physical disruption
b) Organic solvents
c) Conjugation with lysozyme
d) Conjugation with other detergent
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Explanation: Bacterial cells have cell wall and disruption of cell wall only by using detergent is not feasible. The detergent will break the inner membrane of the bacterial cell and the enzyme lysozyme can break the cell wall of the bacterial cell. Lysozyme hydrolyzes the peptidoglycan present in the cell wall.
4. The detergents are classified into some categories ___________
a) Cationic
b) Anionic
c) Non-ionic
d) Cationic, anionic, non-ionic
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Explanation: The detergents are classified into three categories, cationic, anionic, non-ionic. The classification is based on the charges on the molecules. The non-ionic detergents contain uncharged hydrophilic groups that consist of ployoxyethylene moieties. Anionic detergent contain negative head group and cationic detergents contain positive head group.
5. Which detergent is preferred in bioprocessing?
a) Non-ionic
b) Cationic
c) Anionic
d) Cationic, anionic
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Explanation: Non-ionic detergents are used in bioprocess engineering because they produce less damage and the sensitive biological molecules can be safely processed with less chances of damage. Most common non-ionic detergent used are Triton-X and Tween.
6. There is no disadvantage of using detergent in the cell disruption.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Use of detergents is avoided because of its disadvantages, it denatures the large number of protein, removal of detergent from the cell suspension is not easy it increases the costing of bioseparation and it might precipitate the product.
7. What is the limitation of using lysozyme?
a) Less availability
b) Harmful effect on product
c) High cost
d) Unstable enzyme
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Explanation: Lysozyme is a costly enzyme and its removal from the product is difficult. The overall cost of bioseparation and the steps of bioseparation is increased due to use of lysozyme as a cell disruption method.
8. What is the fundamental property of detergents?
a) Hydrophobic tail
b) Hydrophilic head
c) Hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail
d) Hydrophobic head and hydrophilic tail
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Explanation: The fundamental properties of detergents are water soluble hydrophilic head and oil soluble hydrophobic tail. It allows the detergents to enter the membrane and then ruptures the membrane by unfolding proteins. The action of both the properties varies depending on the protein and the membrane.
9. Which is the most commonly used anionic detergent?
b) EtBr
d) SDS
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Explanation: SDS (Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate) is the most commonly used anionic detergents. It has 12 carbon tails and a sulphate hydrophilic head and is commonly used in laboratories. It is derived from bile salt and is used in lysis buffer.
10. What is zwitterionic detergent?
a) Net zero charge
b) Positive charge
c) Negative charge
d) Positively negative charge
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Explanation: Zwitterionic detergent is the type of surfactant or detergents which have both anionic as well as cationic group with net zero charge and it is derived from cholic acid and is used in isolation of membrane protein.
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