Bioseparation Processes Questions and Answers – Batch Extraction using Partially Miscible Solvent

This set of Bioseparation Processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Batch Extraction using Partially Miscible Solvent”.

1. What is the significance of the given diagram?

a) Extraction with partially miscible solvent
b) Extraction with miscible solvent
c) Extraction with solvent
d) Extraction
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Answer: a
Explanation: The graphical representation of partially miscible solvent for the extraction process is represented in the given diagram, it expresses all the ternary terms of concentration terms in the mole fraction as shown in the phase diagram.

2. In the phase diagram of batch extraction using partially miscible solvents, the feed solution comes in contact with the extracting solvent.

a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: The phase diagram explains that the marking F stands for the composition of solution and the marking S stands for the composition of pure extracting solvent and it properly explains that the two points come in contact with each other at a point.

3. Describe the significance of the given diagram.

a) Batch extraction with partially miscible solvent
b) Extraction with miscible solvent
c) Extraction with solvent
d) Batch extraction solution
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Answer: d
Explanation: The graphical method of representation is plotted in the given diagram which symbolizes the equilibrium functions as well as material balance in the batch extraction process in the bioseparation.

4. What is referred to as overall composition of three components of the system in the batch extraction in miscible solvents?

a) M
b) A
c) F
d) S
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Answer: a
Explanation: M is referred as overall composition, A and B are referred as partial composition of the solution being subjected to the process of extraction, F is referred as feed composition, S is referred as extracting solvent composition.

5. What is the position of M in the phase diagram of the batch extraction in miscible solvents?

a) F/S
b) FM/SM
c) M/M
d) M/N
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Answer: b
Explanation: The M is represented as two-phase region which indicates the location of M as the ratio of feed and the extracting solvent i.e. FM/SM. The ratio between the overall composition of the system among extracting solvent and the feed solution.

6. What is referred as E/R in the phase diagram of batch extraction in partially miscible solvent?

a) F/S
b) FM
c) FM/SM
d) F/S
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Answer: c
Explanation: FM/SM is referred as E/R where, E is the total number of moles in the solution for extracting solvents, R is the total amount of moles in the feed solvent of the solution.

7. What does the tie-line represents in the phase diagram of the batch extraction in the partial miscible solvent?

a) Concentration of Raffinate and extract
b) Concentration of Raffinate
c) Concentration of extract
d) Concentration of total moles
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Answer: a
Explanation: The tie line between the overall components of the three system expresses the determination of the concentrations of the Raffinate as well as the concentration of the extract in the solution being subjected to the process of extraction using partially miscible liquid. These are represented as R1 and E1 in the phase diagram.

8. How to represent the recovery of the solute from the Raffinate by using the extracting solvent?
a) Joining F and S points in the phase diagram
b) Joining the E1 and R1 in the phase diagram
c) Joining the R1 and S in the phase diagram
d) Joining the F and R1 in the phase diagram
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Answer: c
Explanation: The joining of R1 and S will help in understanding the determination of the recovery of Raffinate from the fresh extracting solvent been used for the process of extraction further as second phase extraction process. The process continues with the phase 2 and the other multiple phases, it will continue as same process of recovery by adding fresh extracting solvent after every single step.

9. What is the indication of overall composition of the solution when the fresh extracting solvents are added for the recovery purpose at multiple stages of extraction?
a) M
b) N
c) F
d) S
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Answer: b
Explanation: The overall composition is expressed as N for the addition of extracting solvent in the extraction process for the recovery of Raffinate, the indication of N depends on the location of the amount of Raffinate being present in the relative quantity and the amount of fresh solvent.

10. What is the significance of tie line across the N in the phase diagram of the batch extraction in partially miscible solvent?
a) E1 and R1
b) E2 and R1
c) E1 and R2
d) E2 and R2
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Answer: d
Explanation: The E2 and R2 are the indications for the tie line to pass across the N indication which is used for the determination of the concentrations of the Raffinate as well as the concentrations of extract in the multiple phases of the extraction process in the batches of the extraction using the partially miscible solvent.

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