Bioseparation Engineering Questions and Answers – Mode of Operation of Filtration

This set of Bioseparation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Mode of Operation of Filtration”.

1. Filtration can be carried out in ____________
a) batch mode
b) continuous mode
c) batch and continuous mode
d) accumulation
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Answer: c
Explanation: The process of filtration requires two modes to function and they are batch as well as continuous mode. The batch mode is less preferred because it may lead to contamination and most used mode is continuous mode.

2. Which is the commonest mode for small scale cake filtration?
a) Batch mode
b) Continuous mode
c) Batch and continuous mode
d) Accumulation
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Answer: b
Explanation: The batch mode is commonly used for small scale cake filtration because it requires less costing and work load. A single batch of filtration can be helpful for small scale processes related to filtration.

3. During batch filtration, the process is carried out at __________
a) constant pressure
b) constant rate
c) constant flow
d) constant rate or constant pressure
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Answer: d
Explanation: In batch mode of filtration, a particular batch of feed is pumped in the filter and then the filtration is carried out in the unit either at constant pressure or at constant rate.

4. When the rate of filtration becomes low, the process of filtration is __________
a) speeds up
b) terminates
c) no change
d) slows down
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the filtration rate goes low during the batch mode of filtration, the process of filtration gets terminated because the process needs to have a proper rate which will help in the separation, now since the rate is acceptably low there is no point to have the process of filtration.

5. The process of filtration gets terminated when the pressure _________
a) too low
b) no change
c) negligible
d) too high
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Answer: d
Explanation: During high pressure in the process of filtration, the process terminates as it needs specific pressure to sustain. The increase in pressure leads to unwanted stoppage in the filtration and hence the filtration stops.

6. What happens to the cake after the process of filtration terminates?
a) Left as it is
b) Removed
c) Retreated to filtration
d) Discarded
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Answer: b
Explanation: Once the process of filtration terminates, the cake is removed. The removal is done using the device which scrapes it off from the filter medium and mostly this process of removal of cake requires dismantling of the filtration unit.

7. What is the fate of the filtration unit after every batch of filtration performed?
a) Cleaned
b) Reused
c) Cleaned and then reused
d) Not used
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Answer: c
Explanation: After the process of filtration in a batch is terminated and the cake is removed, the filter medium is cleaned and is made ready for the next batch to filter the substances.

8. A batch process is not suitable for _________
a) small scale cake filtration
b) medium scale cake filtration
c) every cake filtration
d) large scale cake filtration
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Answer: d
Explanation: A batch process is not suitable for large-scale cake filtration and in the place of batch filtration, continuous filtrations can be used as it allows simultaneous cake accumulation and removal.

9. Large scale cake filtration requires _________
a) funnel filter
b) rotary drum filter
c) horizontal and drum filter
d) filter press
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Answer: c
Explanation: The funnel filter and filter press are used for batch filtration process. Rotary drum is not only the device used for continuous filtration, both horizontal continuous filter and rotary drum filters are used for the process of continuous filtration in the large scale cake filtration.

10. During the process of filtration, when the process is performed in order to modify the slurry into thick component, the cake build up in the filter medium is __________
a) avoided
b) performed
c) compiled
d) removed
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Answer: a
Explanation: During the process of filtration, when the process is performed in order to modify the slurry into thick component, the cake build up in the filter medium is avoided. The process of slurry thickening is performed by controlling the thickness of the cake layer and hence by keeping the particulate matter in a suspended form on the side of feed.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Bioseparation Engineering.

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