Bioseparation Engineering Questions and Answers – Improvement of Filtration Efficiency

This set of Bioseparation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Improvement of Filtration Efficiency”.

1. The efficiency of cake filtration depends on ______________
a) low cake
b) high cake
c) medium cake
d) without cake
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Answer: b
Explanation: The process of filtration of bioseparation engineering for the cake filtration and its efficiency depends on accumulation of cake in high amount on the filter medium used for the process of filtration.

2. The filtration rate declines with ________________
a) cake accumulation
b) cake resistance
c) flocculation
d) coagulation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The process of filtration of bioseparation engineering related to decline of rate of filtration is based on the accumulation of cake and the decline in rate is due to the increase in the resistance of the cake.

3. How to avoid the problem of decline of filtration rate?
a) Alter filter bed
b) Alter filter bed properties
c) Alter cake
d) Alter cake properties
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Answer: d
Explanation: The problem of decline of filtration rate can be solved by altering the properties of cake in order to reduce the specific resistance of cake used in the process of filtration.

4. Ways to achieve the alteration of cake properties are _______________
a) feed pre-treatment, filter aids
b) filter aids
c) pressure drop, filter aids
d) twice filtration rate
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pretreating the feed before subjecting it to the filtration process reduces the fibrous nature of the feed which will not cause any hindrance in the cake so there will be less resistance in the cake and using filter aids increases the chances of avoiding the resistance to the cake, eventually it helps in altering the properties of cake.

5. The feed can be pre-treated by _______________
a) physical method
b) physical method and chemical method
c) mechanical method and electrical method
d) electrical method
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Answer: b
Explanation: The feed can only be pre-treated using physical and chemical method but not using mechanical and electrical method. Since electrical and mechanical method can disrupt the feed and the properties of the feed subjected to filtration can be altered leading to improper end product.

6. Physical method for the improvement of filtration efficiency includes _____________
a) coagulant
b) flocculants
c) heating
d) chemical
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Answer: c
Explanation: The physical method for the pretreatment of feed for the improvement of the filtration efficiency and to avoid the resistance of cake is heating. Heating the feed at a specific temperature based on the type and properties of feed will loosen the packing of the feed in the fermentation broth so that easy filtration can be achieved.

7. Chemical method for the improvement of filtration efficiency includes ____________
a) heating
b) coagulant
c) flocculants
d) coagulants and flocculants
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Answer: d
Explanation: The use of flocculants like alum promotes the process of flocculation and it causes collision and the suspended particles in liquids aggregates to form a flocs. The coagulants like metal salt are added in the opposite charge to the feed to overcome the repulsive charges and cause destabilization in the suspension. Coagulation and flocculation are important processes as by the help of coagulation the particles can be destabilize through chemical reaction caused between the coagulant and colloids in feed, and the process of flocculation transports the destabilized particles in the feed causing collisions with floc.

8. Which type of substance cannot be treated using pretreatment?
a) Thermophilic
b) Thermolabile
c) Hydrophobic
d) Hydrophilic
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Answer: b
Explanation: The thermolabile substances cannot be heated because it will lose its characteristic and will degrade during the process, it will cause loss of the end product of the filtration process.

9. The feed pretreatment using physical method will be helpful to obtain ____________
a) porous cake
b) non-porous cake
c) porous bed
d) non-porous bed
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Answer: a
Explanation: The feed pretreatment using physical method will be helpful to obtain the porous cake and the properties of the obtained cake will include the low specific resistance in the cake for proper filtration efficiency.

10. Filter aids are the substances which can be added to __________
a) filter medium
b) filter bed
c) filtration system
d) feed
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Answer: d
Explanation: The filter aids are the substances which are mixed to the feed in order to cause improvement in the efficiency of the filtration process by avoiding the resistance caused in the filtration rate.

11. Filter aids are added to the feed for _______________
a) less porous cake
b) very porous cake
c) medium porous cake
d) non-porous cake
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Answer: b
Explanation: Filter aids are added for creating the very porous cake so that there will be no chance of any specific resistance caused in the cake which might be the reason for the less rate of filtration.

12. ______________ increases the filtration rate very significantly.
a) Filter aids
b) Coagulants
c) Flocculants
d) Cake
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Answer: a
Explanation: Filter aids can increase the rate of filtration very significantly. The pretreatment process becomes tedious for some reason and it might not produce very significant improvement in the efficiency of the filtration process.

13. The filter aids which are ____________ in nature can be removed later from the filtration process.
a) Viscous
b) Dry
c) Particulate
d) Porous
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Answer: c
Explanation: The filter aids having particulate nature can be removed in the form of dried and powered form from the cake by suitable methods of removal.

14. When can filter aid not be used for the efficiency improvement of filtration rate?
a) When the cake is the product of interest
b) When cake is of no use
c) When cake can be reused
d) When cake can be deformed
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Answer: a
Explanation: If filter aid is used when the cake is the product of interest then there will be only product loss and the process of filtration will be of no use, because there can be chance of complete removal of the filter aid and it might cause restriction in the process.

15. What can block the pores in the filtration medium?
a) Uniform substance
b) Non-uniform substance
c) Deformable substance
d) Non-deformable substance
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Answer: c
Explanation: The deformable substance in the feed can block the medium used for the filtration and in case such substances are being subjected to filtration then it is better to pre-coat the medium of filtration with a layer of filter aid to avoid any loss of product and hindrance in the process of filtration.

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