Bioseparation Science Questions and Answers – Chromatography Theory

This set of Bioseparation Science Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Chromatography Theory”.

1. The type of pump used in the chromatographic separation depends on ___________
a) pressure drop
b) concentration of sample
c) volume of sample
d) material of column
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Answer: a
Explanation: The type of pump used in the chromatographic separation depends on the pressure drop across the column and the mobile phase is pumped continuously through the column used for the separation of samples in the chromatographic separation.

2. The types of pressure requirements used in the chromatographic separations are _____________
a) high pressure
b) low pressure
c) high and low pressure
d) high, low and medium pressure
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Answer: d
Explanation: The various pressure required for the chromatographic separation in the pumping of sample through the column are high pressure chromatography which is mostly more than 1MPa, medium pressure chromatography which is mostly in the range of 0.1 to 1MPa, low pressure chromatography which is mostly below 0.1MPa.

3. In which equipment the special pumps are used for delivering the constant mobile phase flow rates?
a) LC-MS
c) Paper chromatography
d) TLC
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Answer: b
Explanation: The special pumps are required for the high pressure chromatography since these pumps help in delivering mobile phase at flow rates which have high pressure. HPLC is referred as high pressure chromatography.

4. Plunger pump is not used in HPLC.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: a
Explanation: Plunger pumps are most commonly used in high pressure chromatography since it provides high flow rate to the mobile phase and helps in flowing at high pressure through the column.

5. Which chromatography doesn’t require much demand for the pumping system?
a) High pressure
b) Low pressure
c) Medium pressure
d) Both high and low pressure
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Answer: c
Explanation: Medium pressure chromatography doesn’t require much demand for the pumping system
The pumps like Plunger pumps, diaphragm pumps and peristaltic pumps are mostly used. Peristaltic pumps are specifically suitable for handling of sterile substances in a manner which is free of contamination.

6. Which chromatography requires use of peristaltic pump more often?
a) High pressure
b) Low pressure
c) Medium pressure
d) Both high and low pressure
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Answer: b
Explanation: Low pressure chromatography requires use of peristaltic pumps more often since, the pressure requirement is less and the gravitational action of flow can be used.

7. Which parameter needs to be monitored in the chromatographic separation?
a) Flow rate
b) Column type
c) Mobile phase
d) Concentration of the components
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Answer: d
Explanation: The concentration of the components are the major parameter in a chromatographic separation process which needs to be monitored. The chromatogram is the plot which expresses the concentration of various components as function of time, volume of the separation of the sample.

8. What is referred to as zero time in the chromatographic separation?
a) Sample injection time
b) After sample injection
c) Before sample injection
d) Preparation of chromatography
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sample injection is the introduction of the sample into the column and the in chromatographic separation, the instant of sample injection is termed is zero time which depends on the interaction of the components with the stationary phase, and the components move at various velocities through the column of the chromatography setup.

9. The extent of molecule interaction with stationary phase is ___________
a) Binding factor
b) Retention factor
c) Capacity factor
d) Volume
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Answer: c
Explanation: The capacity factor is the extent of molecular interaction and is expressed by K’. K’ = \(\frac{n_S}{n_M}\)nS is the moles of solute which binds to the stationary phase and nM is the moles of solute in the mobile phase.

10. For which solute the capacity factor is zero?
a) Non-binding
b) Non-interacting
c) Non-charged
d) Less volume
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Answer: b
Explanation: The capacity factor is zero for the solutes which does not interact with the stationary phase. Such solutes have capacity factor likely between 1 and 10.

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