Bioseparation Technology Questions and Answers – Basis of Separation in Bioseparation Processes

This set of Bioseparation Technology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Basis of Separation in Bioseparation Processes”.

1. Which biologically derived substances are purified using conventional separation methods?
a) Vitamins, amino acids, antibiotics
b) Nucleic acid, enzymes, proteins
c) Sugar, cells, antibiotics
d) Nucleic acid, antibiotics, cells
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Answer: a
Explanation: Antibiotics and low molecular weight compounds such as vitamins and amino acids are separated and purified using conventional methods of separation. Since these compounds are low molecular weight, they do not require any modified separation techniques which increases the costing of bioseparation.

2. What are the conventional methods of separation?
a) Liquid-liquid extraction, packed bed adsorption, evaporation, drying
b) Liquid-liquid extraction, drying, adsorption
c) Drying, packed bed adsorption, evaporation
d) Evaporation, drying, adsorption
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Answer: a
Explanation: The conventional methods of separation used in bioseparation are liquid-liquid extraction, packed bed adsorption, drying, evaporation. Extraction process of bioseparation is based on polarity and solubility of the compound to be purified. Adsorption is based on electrostatic charges and polarity of the compounds. Evaporation and drying is based on the diffusivity.

3. Which biologically derived compounds require modified separation techniques?
a) Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acid
b) Cells, vitamins, enzymes, sugar
c) Cells, lipids, sugar
d) Sugar, vitamins, cells
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Answer: a
Explanation: The complex compounds which require modifications in the separation techniques are Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acid. These compounds have impurities which forms by-products and the by-products have similar properties like target molecules so it requires modified bioseparation techniques for proper separation.

4. What are the basic factors for separation of the biological products?
a) Size, density, diffusivity
b) Size, pressure, mass
c) Size, diffusivity, mass
d) Mass, refractive index, temperature
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Answer: a
Explanation: The basic factors for the separation of biological products are size, density, diffusivity along with shape, polarity, solubility, electrostatic charge, volatility. Filtration, membrane separation, centrifugation processes are performed based on the size of the compounds. Sedimentation, flotation are based on density. Membrane separation is based on diffusivity.

5. Which method of bioseparation is based on size of the biological product?
a) Filtration, membrane separation, centrifugation
b) Sedimentation, centrifugation, flotation
c) Membrane separation, pervaporation
d) Electrophoresis, flotation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The methods involved in bioseparation of biological products based on size are filtration, membrane separation, and centrifugation. Sedimentation, flotation are based on density. Pervaporation is based on volatility. Electrophoresis is based on electrostatic charges.

6. Which method of bioseparation is based on density of the biological product?
a) Filtration, membrane separation, centrifugation
b) Sedimentation, centrifugation, flotation
c) Membrane separation, pervaporation
d) Electrophoresis, flotation
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Answer: b
Explanation: The methods involved in bioseparation of biological products based on density are Sedimentation, centrifugation and flotation. Sedimentation is the separation of unstable solids from the suspension under gravitational force. Centrifugation is the separation of particles under centrifugal force. Floatation is the separation of aqueous suspensions and its concentration.

7. Which method of bioseparation is based on diffusivity of the biological product?
a) Filtration
b) Sedimentation
c) Membrane separation
d) Electrophoresis
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Answer: c
Explanation: The method involved in bioseparation of biological products based on diffusivity is membrane separation. It is used for separations of low-level radioactive effluents which are generated by various fuel industries. It is cost effective, has easy mode of operation and high selectivity.

8. Which method of bioseparation is based on shape of the biological product?
a) Filtration, membrane separation, centrifugation
b) Sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration
c) Membrane separation, pervaporation
d) Electrophoresis, flotation
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Answer: b
Explanation: The methods involved in bioseparation of biological products based on shape are Sedimentation, centrifugation and filtration. Sedimentation is used in treatment of waste water. Centrifugation is used in separation of bacterial cells, products having liquids from the cell, cell debris and particulates. Filtration is used in separation of tea and coffee.

9. Which method of bioseparation is based on volatility of the biological product?
a) Filtration, membrane separation, centrifugation
b) Sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration
c) Membrane distillation, pervaporation, distillation
d) Electrophoresis, flotation
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Answer: c
Explanation: The methods involved in bioseparation of biological products based on volatility are membrane distillation, pervaporation and distillation. Distillation process is the separation of mixture of liquid depending on the boiling point and volatility of the particle. Pervaporation is the separation of water from the aqueous mixture.

10. Which method of bioseparation is based on electrostatic charge of the biological product?
a) Filtration, membrane separation, centrifugation
b) Sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration
c) Membrane distillation, pervaporation, distillation
d) Electrophoresis, membrane separation, adsorption
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Answer: d
Explanation: The methods involved in bioseparation of biological products based on electrostatic charges are electrophoresis, membrane separation, and adsorption. Electrophoresis is the separation of particles on the basis of charge of particle which is under the electric field. Adsorption is the separation of particles from bulk fluid to solid surface.

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