Bioseparation Science Questions and Answers – Separation Mechanisms

This set of Bioseparation Science Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Separation Mechanisms”.

1. The physical binding of the molecule depends on __________
a) adsorbent
b) adsorbate
c) interactions
d) bonding
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Answer: a
Explanation: The physical binding of a molecule depends on the adsorbent which takes place due to one or more of the non-covalent interactions in the process of adsorption in the bioseparation engineering.

2. The non-covalent interaction which are involved in the separation process of adsorption are __________
a) van der Waals forces
b) hydrophobic interaction
c) hydrogen bonding
d) van der Waals forces, hydrophobic interaction, hydrogen bonding
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Answer: d
Explanation: The non-covalent interaction which are involved in the separation process of adsorption are van der Waals forces, Electrostatic interactions, hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonding, partitioning depending on the type of interactions involved in the separation mechanism of the bioseparation process of adsorption.

3. The types of interactions involved in the separation mechanism of adsorption are ___________
a) ion exchange, reverse phase
b) cation exchange, hydrophobic interaction
c) affinity binding, reverse phase, ion exchange
d) anion exchange
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Answer: c
Explanation: The several category of interactions for the separation mechanisms are ion exchange interaction which includes both anion as well as cation interaction, hydrophobic interaction, reverse phase separation, affinity binding and all of these depends on the molecules as well as adsorbent used in the adsorption process in bioseparation.

4. The process of ion exchange interaction is based on ____________
a) hydrophobic interaction
b) electrostatic interaction
c) hydrogen bonding
d) partitioning
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ion exchange is based on electrostatic interactions between the molecule and the adsorbent. A cation exchange adsorbent it itself negatively charges and can therefore bind positively charged molecules while an anion exchange adsorbent is positively charged and can bind negatively charged molecules.

5. What material can be used as support material for the purpose of attachment in the ion exchange adsorbent?
a) Cellulose and Cellulose derivatives
b) Cellulose derivatives
c) Agarose, acrylic resins, cellulose
d) Acrylic resins
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ion exchange adsorbents are prepared by attaching charged groups onto insoluble support material. Examples of support material include cellulose, cellulose derivatives, agarose, acrylic resins and cross-linked dextrans. There are some support materials like cellulose which have charged groups on them (e.g. cellulose has negatively charged carboxylic acid groups). The intrinsic negative charge density on cellulose is not enough for adsorbing sufficient amounts of solute.

6. The charged group which are attached for the preparation of the cation exchange adsorbents are ____________
a) carboxylic acid group, carboxymethyl group, sulphopropyl group
b) carboxymethyl group
c) sulphopropyl group
d) carboxylic acid group
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Answer: a
Explanation: Charged groups or ligands that are attached for preparing cation exchange adsorbents include carboxylic acid group, carboxymethyl group and sulphopropyl group. Carboxylic acid group, carboxymethyl group are called weak cation exchange groups since the magnitude of charge on these groups is pH dependent. S group is an example of a strong cation exchange group, the negative charge on this group being pH independent.

7. The charged group which are attached for the preparation of the anion exchange adsorbents are ____________
a) DEAE group
b) QAE group
c) Q group
d) DEAE, QAE, Q group
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Answer: d
Explanation: Charged groups that are attached for preparing anion exchange adsorbents include
Diethylaminoethyl also known as DEAE group, quaternary aminoethyl also known as QAE group and quaternary ammonium also known as Q group. Diethylaminoethyl and quaternary aminoethyl groups are weak anion exchangers while the Q group is a strong anion exchanger.

8. The binding of the molecules on the ion exchange adsorbent are dependent on ____________
a) pH
b) ionic strength, pH, buffer type
c) ionic strength
d) buffer type
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Answer: b
Explanation: The binding of molecules on ion exchange adsorbents is found to be dependent on parameters such as pH, ionic strength and buffer type. With weak cation and anion exchangers, this could be due to the effect of pH on the electrostatic charge on these groups. The electrostatic charge on most biological molecules is affected by the solution pH.

9. How can you manipulate the protein in the process of adsorption in bioseparation engineering?
a) By changing the pH
b) By changing the temperature
c) By changing the buffer type
d) By changing the ionic strength
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Answer: a
Explanation: The proteins are amphoteric molecules and the magnitude as well as the sign of the electrostatic charge on a protein can be manipulated by changing the pH.

10. For binding of protein on an exchange adsorbent, the pH of the solution is ____________
a) below the isoelectric point
b) equal to isoelectric point
c) too acidic
d) above the isoelectric point
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Answer: a
Explanation: For binding of a protein on an anion exchange adsorbent, the solution pH is maintained above the isoelectric point of the protein such that it possesses a negative charge. The opposite is done to bind a protein on a cation exchange adsorbent and the ionic strength of the feed solution affects the amount of molecule bound on the adsorbent.

11. What is the thumb rule with the ionic strength?
a) Greater ionic strength, lesser amount bound
b) Less ionic strength, greater amount bound
c) Equal ionic strength and the amount bound
d) No relation of ionic strength with the amount bound
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Answer: a
Explanation: The thumb rule with ionic strength is that the greater the ionic strength, the lesser is the amount bound. Hence, in many ion-exchange separations, particularly those following salt-induced precipitation, the ionic strength of feed solutions needs to be decreased by appropriate means.

12. Is buffer type a significant effect on the binding of adsorbent?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The buffer type also has a significant effect on the binding and needs to be properly selected. Before an adsorption process, the charged ligands present on the adsorbent are associated with mobile exchangeable counter ions present in the buffer.

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