Microprocessors Questions and Answers – Register Organisation of 80386 -2

This set of Microprocessors Multiple Choice Questions & Answers focuses on “Register Organisation of 80386 -2”.

1. The 32-bit control register, that is used to hold global machine status, independent of the executed task is
a) CR0
b) CR2
c) CR3
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The 80386 has three 32-bit control registers CR0, CR2 and CR3, to hold global machine status, independent of the executed task.

2. The descriptor table that the 80386 supports is
a) GDT (Global descriptor table)
b) IDT (Interrupt descriptor table)
c) LDT (Local descriptor table)
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The 80386 supports four types of descriptor tables. They are, GDT, IDT, LDT and TSS.

3. The registers that are together, known as system address registers are
a) GDTR and IDTR
b) IDTR and LDTR
c) TR and GDTR
d) LDTR and TR
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Answer: a
Explanation: The GDTR and IDTR are known as system address registers.

4. Which of the following is a system segment register?
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The LDTR and TR are known as system segment registers.

5. The test register(s) that is provided by 80386 for page caching is
a) test control registers
b) page cache registers
c) test control and test status registers
d) test control and page cache registers
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Answer: c
Explanation: Two test registers are provided by 80386 for page caching, namely test control and test status registers.
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6. Among eight debug registers, DR0-DR7, the registers that are reserved by Intel are
a) DR0, DR1, DR2
b) DR4, DR5
c) DR1, DR4
d) DR5, DR6, DR7
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Answer: b
Explanation: Out of the eight debug registers, the two registers DR4 and DR5 are Intel reserved.

7. The registers that are used to store four program controllable break point addresses are
a) DR5-DR7
b) DR0-DR1
c) DR6-DR7
d) DR0-DR3
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Answer: d
Explanation: The initial four registers, DR0-DR3 store four program controllable break point addresses.

8. The register DR6 hold
a) break point status
b) break point control information
c) break point status and break point control information
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The registers DR6 and DR7 respectively hold break point status and break point control information.

9. The flag bits that indicate the privilege level of current IO operations are
a) Virtual mode flag bits
b) IOPL flag bits
c) Resume flag bits
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The IOPL flag bits indicate the privilege level of current IO operations.

10. The registers that are not available for programmers are
a) data and address registers
b) instruction pointers
c) segment descriptor registers
d) flag registers
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Answer: c
Explanation: The segment descriptor registers of 80386 are not available for programmers, rather, they are internally used to store the descriptor information.

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