Microprocessors Questions and Answers – Stack

This set of Microprocessor Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Stack”.

1. The Stack follows the sequence
a) first-in-first-out
b) first-in-last-out
c) last-in-first-out
d) last-in-last-out
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Answer: c
Explanation: The stack follows last-in-first-out sequence.

2. If the processor is executing the main program that calls a subroutine, then after executing the main program up to the CALL instruction, the control will be transferred to
a) address of main program
b) subroutine address
c) address of CALL instruction
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since subroutine is called, to start the execution of the subroutine, the control is transferred to the subroutine address.

3. The stack is useful for
a) storing the register status of the processor
b) temporary storage of data
c) storing contents of registers temporarily inside the CPU
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Stack is used for temporary storage of contents of registers and memory locations, status of registers.

4. The Stack is accessed using
a) SP register
b) SS register
c) SP and SS register
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The stack is accessed using a pointer that is implemented using SP and SS registers.

5. As the storing of data words onto the stack is increased, the stack pointer is
a) incremented by 1
b) decremented by 1
c) incremented by 2
d) decremented by 2
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Answer: d
Explanation: The data is stored from top address of the stack and is decremented by 2.
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6. While retrieving data from the stack, the stack pointer is
a) incremented by 1
b) incremented by 2
c) decremented by 1
d) decremented by 2
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Answer: b
Explanation: The data in the stack, may again be transferred back from a stack to register. At that time, the stack pointer is incremented by 2.

7. The process of storing the data in the stack is called ……… the stack.
a) pulling into
b) pulling out
c) pushing into
d) popping into
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Answer: c
Explanation: The data is pushed into the stack while loading the stack.

8. The reverse process of transferring the data back from the stack to the CPU register is known as
a) pulling out the stack
b) pushing out the stack
c) popping out the stack
d) popping off the stack
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Answer: d
Explanation: The data retrieved from stack is called popping off.

9. The books arranged one on the other on a table is an example of
a) queue
b) queue and first-in-first out
c) stack
d) stack and last-in-first-out
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Answer: d
Explanation: If the books are arranged one on the other, then the book that is placed last will be the first out.

10. The PID temperature controller using 8086 has
a) data flow
b) data flow and uses queue
c) sequential flow
d) sequential flow and uses stack
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Answer: d
Explanation: Since PID temperature controller has steps that need to be sequentially executed such as sampling the output, conversion of a signal with ADC, finding errors, deriving control signals and applying the control signal to control flow of energy.

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