This set of Microprocessor Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Instruction Set of 8086/8088 – 2”.
1. The instruction, “INC” increases the contents of the specified register or memory location by
a) 2
b) 0
c) 1
d) 3
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Explanation: This instruction adds 1 to the contents of the operand and so increments by 1.
2. The instruction that subtracts 1 from the contents of the specified register/memory location is
a) INC
c) SUB
d) DEC
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Explanation: The DEC instruction decrements the contents of a specified register/memory location by 1.
3. The instruction that enables subtraction with borrow is
a) DEC
b) SUB
c) SBB
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: The SBB instruction subtracts the source operand and the borrow flag from the destination operand.
4. The flag that acts as Borrow flag in the instruction, SBB is
a) direction flag
b) carry flag
c) parity flag
d) trap flag
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Explanation: If borrow exists in the subtraction operation performed then carry flag is set.
5. In general, the source operand of an instruction can be
a) memory location
b) register
c) immediate data
d) all of the mentioned
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Explanation: The source operand is the element which is data or data stored memory location on which operation is performed.
6. In general, the destination operand of an instruction can be
a) memory location
b) register
c) immediate data
d) memory location and register
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Explanation: Since the destination should be able to store the data, immediate data cannot be considered as a destination operand.
7. The instruction, CMP to compare source and destination operands it performs
a) addition
b) subtraction
c) division
d) multiplication
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Explanation: For comparison, the instruction CMP subtracts source operand from destination operand.
8. During comparison operation, the result of comparing or subtraction is stored in
a) memory
b) registers
c) stack
d) no where
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Explanation: The result of subtraction operation is not stored anywhere during a comparison.
9. The instruction that converts the result in an unpacked decimal digits is
a) AAA
b) AAS
c) AAM
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: All the ASCII adjust instructions give result in unpacked decimal form and so are called as “Unpacked BCD arithmetic instructions”.
10. Which of the following is a mnemonic?
a) ADD
b) ADC
c) AAA
d) ADD & ADC
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Explanation: AAA is a mnemonic. It doesn’t have either a source or destination operand.
11. The instruction in which adjustment is made before performing the operation is
a) AAA
b) AAS
c) AAM
d) AAD
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Explanation: The AAD instruction converts two unpacked BCD digits in AH and AL to the equivalent binary number in AL. This adjustment must be made before dividing the two unpacked BCD digits.
12. The expansion of DAA is
a) decimal adjust after addition
b) decimal adjust before addition
c) decimal adjust accumulator
d) decimal adjust auxiliary
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Explanation: This instruction performs conversion operation.
13. The instruction that is used to convert the result of the addition of two packed BCD numbers to a valid BCD number is
a) DAA
b) DAS
c) AAA
d) AAS
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Explanation: In this conversion, the result has to be only in AL.
14. The ROR instruction rotates the contents of the destination operand to
a) left
b) right
c) left and then right
d) right and then left
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Explanation: ROR stands for Rotate Right without carry. so, the instruction rotates right.
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