Microprocessors Questions and Answers – MMX Instruction Set

This set of Microprocessor Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “MMX Instruction Set”.

1. The additional instructions that are designed especially for performing multimedia tasks are known as
a) additional MMX instructions
b) multimedia MMX instructions
c) enhanced MMX instructions
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The MMX technology adds 57 new instructions to the instruction set of processors. These instructions are known as enhanced MMX instructions and are designed specifically for performing multimedia tasks.

2. The MMX instruction, EMMS consists of __________ on which it operates.
a) source operand
b) destination operand
c) source and destination operand
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The instruction, EMMS, does not have any operand.

3. In all the MMX instructions, the destination operand resides in
a) Memory
b) RAM
c) Either in an MMX register or in memory
d) MMX register
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Answer: d
Explanation: In all the MMX instructions, the source operand is found either in an MMX register or in memory, and the destination operand resides in MMX register.

4. For the MMX instructions, the prefix, P, is used to represent the mode of
a) real addressing mode
b) virtual mode
c) packed mode
d) programmable mode
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the MMX instructions, if the operands are in the packed mode, the prefix, P, is used to indicate packed data.

5. For the MMX instructions, the suffix, S, is used to represent
a) status
b) saturation
c) signed saturation
d) unsigned saturation
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Answer: c
Explanation: For the MMX instructions, the suffix “S” indicates signed saturation, and “US” indicates unsigned saturation, while executing arithmetic computation in saturation mode.

6. The instruction that is used for quadword is
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The instructions, PADD, PCMPEQ and PAND are used for packed byte, word and double word.

7. The instruction, PSUBB, performs subtraction in
a) packed word
b) packed byte
c) packed double word
d) unpacked word
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Answer: b
Explanation: The instruction, PSUBB, performs subtraction in a packed byte.

8. The instruction, PCMPGT, is used to compare two data types and check
a) equal to condition
b) less than condition
c) greater than condition
d) equal to and greater than condition
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Answer: c
Explanation: The instruction, PCMPGT, compares to check the greater than condition in packed bytes, packed words and packed double words.

9. The instruction that is not operated on quad word is
a) MOV
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The instruction, PSRA, performs arithmetic shift, right in a single cycle. It supports only the shifting of packed word and double word data types.

10. When the instruction, PMULLW, is performed, then the lower order 16-bits of the 32 bit products are stored in
a) source operand
b) destination operand
c) no storage of lower order
d) either source or destination
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the instruction, PMULLW, four 16 X 16 multiplications are performed, and the lower order 16 bits of the 32-bit products are stored in destination.

11. When the instruction, PMULHW, is performed, then the higher order 16-bits of the 32 bit products are stored in
a) source operand
b) destination operand
c) no storage of lower order
d) either source or destination
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the instruction, PMULHW, four 16 X 16 multiplications are performed, and the higher order 16 bits of the 32-bit products are stored in destination.

12. The instruction in which both multiplication and addition are performed is
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Answer: d
Explanation: PMADDWD is an important multimedia instruction, which multiplies the four signed words of the destination operand, with four signed words of source operand. This results in 32-bit double words which are added, and the result is stored in the higher double word of the destination operand.

13. If the result of PCMPEQ, which is a comparison of two packed data types, is a success, then the mask generated is
a) mask 0s
b) mask 1s
c) mask 2s
d) mask 3s
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Answer: b
Explanation: If the result of PCMPEQ, which is a comparison of two packed data types is a success, then the mask 1s is generated, otherwise a mask of 0s is generated, in the destination operand.

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