This set of Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Problems Caused by Change of Gauge”.
1. The problems caused by change of gauge is popularly known as ______
a) Break of gauge
b) Rupture of gauge
c) Separation of gauge
d) Division of gauge
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Explanation: The problem caused by change of gauge is popularly known as “Break of gauge”. A break of gauge is encountered when one gauge meets a different type of gauge at a place. For example: When a broad gauge line meets a metre gauge line at a place, it is called Break of gauge.
2. What problems do passengers face due to change of gauge?
a) Delay in reaching their destination and inconvenience caused due to change of train
b) Increase in ticket fares
c) Danger of encountering accident during travel
d) Loss of baggage during travel
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Explanation: A passenger can face a lot of problems due to change of gauge like delay in reaching their destination and inconvenience due to change of train (which includes transporting luggage to the other train, finding seats in the next train).
3. Widening an existing gauge involves _________
a) Light engineering works
b) Heavy engineering works
c) Medium engineering works
d) Very light engineering works
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Explanation: To widen an existing gauge, it requires heavy civil engineering works such as widening of tunnels and bridges; replacing the tracks and old rolling stocks. During the gauge widening process, the line needs to be closed temporarily and hence this causes operational problems.
4. Which of the following is/are problems caused due to trans-shipment of goods?
a) Causes damage to goods only
b) Causes both damage to goods and delay in delivering goods to their destination
c) Causes delay in delivering goods to their destinationonly
d) Causes no problems
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Explanation: Whenever a change of gauge is encountered, trans-shipment of goods needs to be done. During this process, damage of goods can take place and there will be delay in delivering these goods. Therefore, a change of gauge should also be avoided in goods transportation.
5. Presence of more than one gauge in a country causes unbalanced economic growth.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: True. A country can face unbalanced economic growth due to presence of more than one gauge. Industries will face problems in receiving raw materials and delivering their goods. This will hamper the progress of industries and hence the growth of economy of any country.
6. Which of the following is a possible solution for change of gauge?
a) Installation of check rails
b) Installation of guard rails
c) Installation of dual gauge
d) Installation of dial gauge
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Explanation: A dual gauge rail is the one which allows trains of different gauges to pass without stoppage. It is also known as the mixed gauge rail. In order to resolve the break of gauge problem, dual gauge track can be installed permanently. It can also be installed temporarily till conversion of gauge takes place.
7. Which country was benefitted by the change of gauge problems in World War 2?
a) Russia
b) Germany
c) Australia
d) Poland
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Explanation: Russia chose a gauge of 1520 mm rather than the conventional gauge size of 1435 mm. The choice benefitted them largely as it saved Moscow from being seized completely by Hitler in 1941. The German army transported most of its men and supplies through train. But when they reached Russia, they had to change the gauge of all the tracks. This slow process helped Russia in avoiding the defeat.
8. Which country uses “Automatic Gauge Changeover” system to overcome the change of gauge problems?
a) India
b) Australia
c) England
d) Spain
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Explanation: Spain has currently three types of gauges namely: Iberian gauge (1668 mm), Standard gauge (1435 mm) and Metre gauge (1000 mm). To overcome the problems faced due to change of gauge, it uses “Automatic Gauge Changeover” system. In this system, the train passes through fixed gauge installations while the train wheels are altered. During this process, the train moves at a very low speed of 15 km/hour.
9. India still faces the problems due to change of gauge.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: True. The Indian Railways had decided to convert all the lines to broad gauge line. It has been able to successfully convert most of the gauges. But, still some lines are remaining where conversion is under progress. For example: Ahmedabad to Botad rail line is a metre gauge of 177 km. Its conversion to broad gauge is still under progress.
10. If there is more than one type of gauge present in a rail route, the journey time ______
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains same
d) Depends on the climate
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Explanation: If more than one type of gauge is encountered in a rail route then problems due to change of gauge occurs. The passengers will need to transfer their luggage to another train causing the delay. Hence, more time will be taken to complete the journey.
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