Railway Engineering Questions and Answers – Rails – Function and Types

This set of Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Rails – Function and Types”.

1. Which of the following is not a function of rails?
a) Serving as a lateral guide
b) Providing a continuous surface
c) To provide drainage
d) To provide a level surface
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Answer: c
Explanation: Cant is provided to the railway track for proper drainage. Rails provide continuous, level surface and server as a lateral guide for wheels.

2. Through which of the following Rails transmit the load acting on it?
a) Sleepers and Ballast
b) Sleepers and fastenings
c) Ballast
d) Ballast and axle
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Answer: a
Explanation: Wheels exert huge amount of forces on the rails. The rails transfer these forces to a larger formation below them. This is done through sleepers and ballast.

3. The friction between the steel wheel and the steel rail is about ______ of the friction between the pneumatic tyre and a metalled road.
a) two fifth
b) one fifth
c) one tenth
d) three fifth
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Answer: b
Explanation: The movement of trains is smooth because the rails offer very less resistance to it. The friction between wheel and rail is very less.

4. In Double headed rails, once the head wears out it can be reused by inverting it.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Every time a locomotive passes, huge amount of load is exerted on the rail. The rail remains in continuous contact with the chair. Because of this the bottom side of the rail is worn out and we cannot reuse it by inverting.

5. Why does Bull headed rails have more metal in the head?
a) For aesthetic appearance
b) To withstand wear and tear
c) To make it rigid
d) Because of manufacturing constrains
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Answer: b
Explanation: Huge amount of load on the rail causes damage to it. For better endurance and longer life the Bull headed rails have more metal in the head.
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6. What is a drawback of Bull headed rails?
a) Chair is required for fixing
b) They are very expensive
c) They have short lives
d) They are not good in appearance
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bull headed rails can better withstand wear and tear and thus have long lives. But they require a chair so that they can be fixed with sleepers.

7. What type of Cross section the flat-footed rail has?
a) Just like the Bull headed rails
b) Inverted T type
c) T type
d) I type
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Answer: b
Explanation: The flat footed rail has inverted T type cross section. It is also called Vignole rail.

8. What is used for the fixing of Flat footed rails?
a) Chairs
b) Spikes
c) Nuts and bolts
d) Chairs and other fastenings
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Answer: b
Explanation: The flat footed rails do not need any chair type arrangement for fixing on sleepers. Spikes are used for this purpose.

9. Which rail has been standardised for adoption on the Indian railways?
a) Bull headed
b) Double headed
c) Flat footed
d) Combination of BH and DH
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Answer: c
Explanation: Flat footed rails great strength and provide lateral stability. They are much more economical and thus are standardised for usage on the Indian railways.

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