This set of Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Theories for the Development and Causes of Creep”.
1. According to wave motion theory what causes creep of rail?
a) Moving loads
b) Stationary loads
c) Faulty rails
d) Poor maintenance
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Explanation: Because of moving loads the rails deflect. As the wheel moves ahead the depression also moves with it. This wave motion makes the rail move forward with the moving loads.
2. What causes creep in rails according to Percussion theory?
a) Moving loads
b) Impact of wheels at rail end
c) Faulty arrangements
d) Manufacturing defects
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Explanation: According to Percussion theory when wheels move from one rail to another they push the rail at the joint. This makes it move longitudinally and causes creep.
3. Which theory states the formation of creep because of backward thrust?
a) Drag theory
b) Percussion theory
c) Moving loads theory
d) Joint rail theory
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Explanation: According to drag theory the driving wheels of locomotive push the rail backwards. The other wheels push the rail in direction of motion. This results in movement of rails causing creep.
4. How is creep caused because of Starting operation of locomotive?
a) Because of backward thrust
b) Forward pushing of rail
c) Expansion of rail
d) Contraction of rail
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Explanation: Because of starting or acceleration of train the backward thrust created by its wheels tend to push the rail backwards. This is responsible for causing creep of rail.
5. In which direction creep is developed in double line section?
a) Opposite to the direction of Traffic
b) In the direction if Traffic
c) In both directions
d) Arbitrary direction
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Explanation: Double line section is unidirectional. Trains on a track thus move in one direction only. This is the reason that develops creep in the direction of traffic.
6. How does limited quantities of ballast contribute to development of creep?
a) By offering limited ballast resistance
b) By offering excess ballast resistance
c) By increasing drainage
d) Limited quantity of ballast helps in decreasing creep
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Explanation: If limited quantity of Ballast is present on the track, insufficient ballast resistance is offered to the movement of sleepers. This causes the development of creep.
7. In single line section creep is developed in direction of Predominant Traffic.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In single line section movement of traffic is in both direction. But overall creep is developed in the direction of major traffic.
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