This set of Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Rail Failure”.
1. What is a reason of premature failure of rails?
a) Inherent defects in metal
b) Tilting of rails
c) Change in gauge width
d) Loose ballast
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Explanation: Sometimes rails are not able to carry the minimum GMT they are designed for. This can be because of the inherent defect in metal and leads to premature failure of rail.
2. Which of the following is not a type of inherent defect?
a) Faulty chemical composition
b) Harmful segregation
c) Wearing of rails
d) Seams and laps
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Explanation: Wearing of rails is caused because of continuous effect of huge loads. The other defects are inherent defects in rails.
3. Which of the following leads to excessive corrosion of rails?
a) Presence of chlorides
b) Exposure to moisture and humidity
c) Improper maintenance of tracks
d) Presence of chlorides and exposure to moisture and humidity
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Explanation: Corrosion of rails is due to weather conditions like excess humidity and moisture content. Presence of salts like chlorides also contribute to corrosion of rails.
4. What does the first part of the code used for classification of rail failure consist of?
a) Three code letters
b) Three code digits
c) Combination of letters and digits
d) Colour codes
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Explanation: Identification of failed rails can be easy if they are coded. The code consists of two parts, three code letters and three or four code digits.
5. Which letter is used for points and crossing rails in the code used for classification of rail failures?
a) X
b) O
c) Y
d) P
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Explanation: Points and crossings are denoted by letter X. O is used for plain rails.
6. What is the reason for withdrawal of rail if letter ‘C’ is used in code?
a) Excessive corrosion
b) Cracked rail
c) Fracture
d) Derailment
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Explanation: Letter ‘C’ is used if the reason for withdrawal of rail is cracking of rail. Excessive corrosion is the cause of failure of rail. F and D are used for fracture and derailment respectively.
7. What does the third letter represent in the First portion of the code used for classification of rail failures?
a) Probable cause of failure
b) Type of rail used
c) Reason for withdrawal of rail
d) Location of fracture
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Explanation: The first portion of the code consist of three letters. Out of this the third one is used for representing the probable cause of failure.
8. What does the first digit of the second portion of the code represent?
a) Cause of failure
b) Location of fracture on length of the rail
c) Direction of crack
d) Direction of fracture
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Explanation: The first digit of the second portion of the code gives the location of fracture on length of the rail. ‘1’ is used for within fish plate limits and ‘2’ for other portions.
9. Which digit is used to tell that the failure in the rail section has started from within the rail head?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Any number between 0-9
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Explanation: The digit ‘1’ is used for within the rail head, ‘2’ for surface of rail head and ‘3’ for web. Zero is used if the position of rail section is unknown and ‘4’ is used for foot.
10. Rails having visual or ultrasonic detection should be sent for metallurgical investigations.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Rails removed because of visual or ultrasonic detection and rails having cracks or defects at specified locations should be sent for metallurgical investigations.
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