This set of Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Circular Curves”.
1. Degree of curve is the angle subtended at its centre by a _______ chord.
a) 30.5ft
b) 100m
c) 30.5cm
d) 100ft
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Explanation: A curve is defined by its radius or by its degree. The degree of curve is the angle subtended at the curve’s centre by a 100ft or 30.5m chord.
2. Which of the following is the correct formula for the degree of curve?
a) 1750/R
b) 3500/R
c) 5370/R
d) 2000/R
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Explanation: Angle subtended by a 30.5m chord or degree of curve is given as 360°x30.5/2πR. This when simplified is equal to 1750/R, where R is in metres.
3. The maximum permissible degree of a curve on a track does not depend on which of the following?
a) Gauge
b) Wheel base
c) Maximum Permissible superelevation
d) Speed of train
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Explanation: The maximum permissible degree of curve on a track is determined by factors like gauge, wheel base and maximum permissible superelevation. After this the permissible speed of the train on track is determined.
4. According to Tangential offset method which of the following is the correct relation between offset and length of chord?
a) On = Cn2/4R
b) On = Cn2/2R
c) On = Cn2/6R
d) On = Cn2/R
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Explanation: When we have to set out a short curve of length of around 100m, Tangential offset method can be used. The relation between offset and length of chord can be given as On = Cn2 /2R.
5. In Long chord offset method, how is the Versine V is calculated from long chord?
a) V = C2/πR
b) V = C2/8R
c) V = C2/5R
d) V = C2/18R
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Explanation: Versine is calculated as V = C2/8R, where C is the length of the long chord. The long chord is divided into 8 parts and then values of perpendicular offsets are calculated.
6. Which of the following is also known as Rankine’s method?
a) Chord deflection method
b) Versine method
c) Theodolite method
d) Long chord offset method
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Explanation: Theodolite method is also known as Rankine’s method. It is particularly used when high accuracy is required. Curve is set with the help of Theodolite and a chain or tape.
7. If higher precision is required in Rankine’s method, 2 theodolites can also be used.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The theodolite is set at a point and rotated through deflection angles which are already calculated. For higher precision two Theodolites can be used instead of one.
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