Railway Engineering Questions and Answers – Fittings of Steel Trough and CI Sleepers

This set of Advanced Railway Engineering Questions and Answers focuses on “Fittings of Steel Trough and CI Sleepers”.

1. What was the disadvantage of older type of trough sleepers?
a) They were heavy
b) They used to get deformed easily
c) They were very costly
d) They didn’t serve the purpose
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Answer: b
Explanation: Because of the provision of pressed up lugs in the older type of trough sleepers, they used to get cracked or damaged easily. Spring steel loose jaws are used to solve this problem.

2. Two way keys are not used for fixing which of the following sleepers?
a) CST-9 sleepers
b) Wooden sleepers
c) Pot sleepers
d) Trough sleepers
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Answer: b
Explanation: Two way key has a two way taper provided at both the ends and it can be driven in both the direction. It is used for fixing CST-9, Pot and Trough sleepers.

3. Which of the following statement is wrong regarding rubber coated fish plates?
a) They were used at insulated joints
b) They had limited life
c) They are better than epoxy coated fish plates
d) They get damaged early in service
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Answer: c
Explanation: Rubber coated fish plates were found to get easily damaged during tests and thus had limited service life. Now epoxy fish plates are being tried.

4. Which of the following liner is used to overcome the problem of holes in trough sleepers?
a) Anderson liner
b) Mota Singh liner
c) Loose jaw liner
d) Trough liner
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Answer: b
Explanation: Because of continuous moving of loads, wear and tear of the holes in the tough sleeper takes place. This makes them elongated and this problem is dealt by using Mota Singh liner.

5. Which of the following is not a cotter used on Indian Railways?
a) Centre split cotter
b) Side split cotter
c) Solid end split cotter
d) Empty end split cotter
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Answer: d
Explanation: Cotters are used for fixing tie bars to CI sleepers. They are classified based on their methods of splitting. The four types of cotters used on Indian railways are; Centre split, Side split, Solid end split and Bent plate split cotter.
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6. Cotters and tie bars are used to fix rails to _____ sleepers.
a) concrete
b) cast Iron
c) mild steel
d) wooden
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Answers: b
Explanation: Cotters are used to fix tie bars to Cast Iron sleepers. The rails are then fixed onto the sleepers. For wooden sleepers, spikes, screws or bearing plates are used.

7. MS tie bars are used for holding two plates of ______ sleepers together.
a) CST-9
b) wooden
c) steel trough
d) cast Iron
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Answer: a
Explanation: The two plates of CST-9 sleepers are held together with the help of MS tie bars. Length of the tie bar is 2720mm and section is 50mm x 13mm for Broad Gauge.

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