This set of Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Construction of New Lines – 2”.
1. On what type of Terrain is the Tram line method most useful?
a) Hilly terrain
b) Rolling terrain
c) Flat terrain
d) Its suitable for all terrains
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Explanation: Tram line method is useful in case of a Flat terrain. This is because laying of tram line on flat ground is convenient, cheaper and faster as compared to other terrains.
2. In Side method what is used for carrying track material on site?
a) Trucks travelling on a service road
b) Trains just like in Tram line method
c) With the help of cranes
d) Humans carry the material
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Explanation: Side line method is slightly different than Tram line method. This is because it uses Trucks which travel on a service road parallel to the track for carrying track materials to the work site.
3. For what type of banks, Borrow pits are provided only on one side of the track?
a) High banks
b) Low banks
c) High and Medium banks
d) Does not depend on type of banks
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Explanation: If land available is cheap, separate land should also be made available for Borrow pits. Borrow pits may be on one or both sides of the track for low banks and high or medium banks respectively. In case of costly land area, no Borrow pits are provided and earth is taken from neighbouring areas.
4. Why are Service buildings required?
a) For providing services for running the trains
b) To maintain the tracks
c) For residential purpose
d) To make full use of land available
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Explanation: Service buildings are required so that the staff can work there for smooth functioning of station and running of trains. These service buildings include Station master’s administrative centre, Telegraph office, etc.
5. Which is the most widely used method for Track linking and Plate laying?
a) Tram line method
b) American method
c) Telescopic method
d) Side method
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Explanation: Telescopic method is extensively used in Indian Railways. In this method, material is unloaded after taking it to the base depot. The track is then laid and packed.
6. In telescopic method, the track material is carried to the site through the same track which is to be laid further.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In telescopic method, for further laying of the track, material is carried up to the advanced rail head with the help of a Dip lorry. The track is then linked and packed.
7. Where is the first base depot for unloading of materials situated at?
a) End of existing line
b) Start of new line
c) Junction of existing line and new line to be constructed
d) Anywhere based on the topography of the area
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Explanation: The first depo is at the junction of the new line to be constructed and the existing line. Track material is carried up to the rail head from the depo with the help of a Dip lorry. Material gangs are then used to unload these materials.
8. Which special type of rail carrier is used for carrying of rails?
a) Anderson rail carrier
b) Smith rail carrier
c) Dip lorry
d) Rail tongs
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Explanation: Each rail weighs around 600kg and huge manpower is required for handling them. Consequently a special type of rail carrier is used. This is the Anderson rail carrier which can easily carry rails with lesser strain.
9. For which type of sleepers rail screws are used?
a) Concrete sleepers
b) Steel Sleepers
c) Cast iron sleepers
d) Wooden sleepers
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Explanation: For fixing rails to wooden sleepers rail screws are used. A key is used in case of steel sleeper. Bearing plates are provided according to need and track specifications.
10. Expansion gap between rails is provided with the help of ______
a) rail screws
b) steel liners or shims
c) bolts
d) fastenings
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Explanation: Adequate gaps are left between two rails which are called as expansion gaps. Steel liners or shims of appropriate thickness are used for providing these gaps.
11. Which among the following is generally used for Ballasting of tacks?
a) Ballast trains
b) Ballast trains and manual methods
c) Human efforts
d) Dip lorry
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Explanation: The ballast is thoroughly packed and laid under the track. For laying of ballast, ballast trains can be used. Otherwise the ballast can be carried on the cess and laid manually on the track.
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