This set of Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Reconnaissance Survey”.
1. What is the objective of Reconnaissance survey?
a) To make a contour map of the area.
b) To determine the technical feasibility of proposal
c) To determine rough cost of one or more alternatives to the new line
d) To determine the technical feasibility as well as the best possible alternatives available
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Explanation: Reconnaissance survey is done to check if the execution of the work is possible technically and economically. It also includes a rough estimate of one or more alternatives available to the new line.
2. The Reconnaissance survey is done based on _____ and other already available data.
a) traffic flow of area
b) estimated construction cost
c) contoured survey maps
d) population of that area
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Explanation: In this survey contoured maps are studied and different alternatives to the new line are determined. It is generally done with the data which is readily available.
3. What is the next step after the survey team studies the general topography of the country?
a) Collection of field data
b) Consulting government officials and local bodies
c) Cost Estimation
d) Laying down the rails
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Explanation: Contoured maps of the area are studied to determine alternative alignments to the new line. Before starting its construction field data is collected by using various instruments. Based on this data the technical aspects of the new line are determined.
4. What is the use of prismatic compass in survey?
a) To measure weight of an object
b) To measure magnetic bearing of the alignment
c) To view the physical features
d) To determine magnetic lines of attraction
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Explanation: Magnetic compass is used to determine the bearing of the alignment with respect to the north direction. Various technical aspects of the rail track are calculated based on the magnetic bearings.
5. What is the instrument ‘Abney level’ also called as?
a) Barometer
b) Theodolite
c) Clinometer
d) Aneroid Barometer
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Explanation: Abney level is also called as hand level or Clinometer. It is used in survey to measure gradients or angles of slopes.
6. Which are the instruments used for Reconnaissance survey?
a) Prismatic compass, Binocular and Clinometer
b) Abney level and Aneroid Barometer
c) Only Prismatic compass is used
d) Clinometer, Binocular, Pedometer, Aneroid Barometer and Prismatic compass
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Explanation: Pedometer is used to get an idea of the distance travelled while walking. Binocular is used to view the physical features and Aneroid Barometer is used to find relative heights of points. Prismatic compass and Clinometer are used for calculating magnetic bearing and gradient of slopes respectively.
7. Which of the following equipment is not a part of Modern Surveying Instruments and techniques?
a) Infrared Beam
b) Laser beam
c) Chain and Tape
d) Computers
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Explanation: Chain and Tape were previously used for measurement. With advancement of technologies they are considered to be out dated.
8. What is the advantage of Modern Surveying Instruments and Techniques over old ones?
a) They are cheap
b) They give very accurate results
c) They are easy to operate
d) They have high power consumption
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Explanation: Modern Techniques rely completely on digital instruments for surveying. This eliminates the possibility of human error, increases efficiency and gives more accurate results.
9. What is the full form of EDM instruments used for modern surveying?
a) Electronic Distance Measurement
b) Electromagnetic Distance Measurement
c) Electronic Diameter Measurement
d) Elastic Deformation Meter
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Explanation: Electronic Distance Measurement instruments are very advance and versatile. They can measure Horizontal and Vertical distances rapidly and efficiently.
10. In Laser survey what is the replacement for invisible line of sight of ordinary survey instruments?
a) Bright Red beam of Laser
b) Invisible beam of Laser
c) Magnetic waves
d) Sound Waves
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Explanation: Laser beam has a property of low diversion. This is used for alignment purposes for the new rail line. It emits a bright red beam which hits the light sensitive cells on the target and distance between them is obtained.
11. By using Laser in Surveying distances up to 70km can be measured.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: A bright red beam is emitted from the laser which can travel large distances. The beam travels in perfectly straight line, thus chance of mistake is very less. This light amplification can measure distances up to 70km.
12. What major points should be included in the Project report for a Reconnaissance survey?
a) Total cost estimate
b) Whether it’s feasible to carry the project further or not
c) Total cost estimate, feasibility of the project and Map of the area
d) Total cost estimate and feasibility of the project
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Explanation: The project engineer should make the report which should contain the cost estimate of the project and a small map of the area. It should also tell whether the project should be continued or not based on a financial point of view.
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