Railway Engineering Questions and Answers – Mountain Railways

This set of Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Mountain Railways”.

1. What type of gauges are generally used for mountain railways?
a) Narrow gauges
b) Broad gauges
c) Metre gauges
d) Cape gauges
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Answer: a
Explanation: Laying of wide gauges is extremely challenging in mountainous regions. This is due to the presence of very steep slopes and difficult excavation processes. Thus narrow gauges (762mm or 610mm) are used in mountain railways.

2. Which of the following alignments is least preferred in case of mountain railways?
a) Spiral
b) Zigzag
c) Switch-back
d) Straight
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Answer: d
Explanation: Adaption of straight alignment for mountain regions is less preferred because it will lead to a very steep track. This will be difficult for travelling and construction. Thus for easy attainment of heights spiral, zigzag or switch-back alignments are followed.

3. The cost of construction of mountain railways can be reduced by adopting narrow gauges instead of wider gauges.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Adaption of narrow gauges lead to less excavation activities and less requirement of track material. This leads to reduction in total cost of construction.

4. The tracks which have gradient greater than or equal to 3% are considered as _____
a) Sharp tracks
b) Mountain tracks
c) Zigzag tracks
d) High speed tracks
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mountain tracks require very steep gradients because vertical distance to be travelled is more than usual. Thus they require gradient of 3% or more.

5. Up to what value the curvatures are generally adopted in mountain railway?
a) 35°
b) 40°
c) 50°
d) 45°
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mountains involve many different gradients and sharp curves because of varying ground profile. Thus sharp curves up to curvature of 40° are generally used for laying of tracks.

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