This set of Railway Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Wooden Sleepers – 1”.
1. What is the importance of the depth of a sleeper?
a) It directs its stiffness
b) It controls the bearing area
c) It makes the rails stronger
d) It lessens the maintenance cost
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Explanation: The sleeper should have adequate stiffness as they receive load from wheels. They act as a beam and should have proper depth which administers its stiffness.
2. What is governed by the length and width of the sleeper?
a) The bearing area
b) Cant value
c) Drainage properties
d) Stiffness
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Explanation: Bearing area is the area which bears all the load acting on the sleeper. It is governed by the length and width of the sleeper.
3. The index used to determine the suitability of a particular timber for use as a sleeper is called as _______
a) Composite strength index
b) Composite sleeper index
c) Compressive strength index
d) Compressive sleeper index
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Explanation: CSI i.e. the Composite sleeper index determines the suitability of a timber to be used as a sleeper with reference to its mechanical strength.
4. What is the formula for the Composite sleeper index of a wooden sleeper?
a) CSI = (S + 10H)/20
b) CSI = (S + 10H)/10
c) CSI = (S + 20H)/20
d) CSI = (S + 5H)/20
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Explanation: Composite sleeper index has advanced from a combination of properties of strength and hardness of the sleeper. The correct formula for Composite sleeper index of a wooden sleeper is given by CSI = (S + 10H)/20.
5. What does ‘S’ stand for in the CSI equation?
a) General strength for green timber at 12% moisture content
b) General strength for dry timber at 12% moisture content
c) General strength for both green and dry timber at 12% moisture content
d) General strength for both green and dry timber at 15% moisture content
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Explanation: In the CSI equation ‘S’ is the general strength for both green and dry timber at 12% moisture content. ‘H’ is the general hardness for green and dry timber at 12% moisture content.
6. Which of the following is not an advantage of the wooden sleepers?
a) They are cheap
b) They have less scrap value
c) They can be used even without stone Ballast
d) They can be easily handled
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Explanation: Wooden sleepers have advantages like less cost, easy handling and they can be used even without stone ballast. But their scrap value is almost negligible which is a disadvantage.
7. Which of the following is not a major reason for less service life of wooden sleepers?
a) Attack by ants
b) Wear because of load
c) Decay due to various conditions
d) Less scrap value
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Explanation: Service life of wooden sleepers can be decreased due to factors like attack by ants, wear because of heavy load and decaying of material. Though wooden sleepers have negligible scrap value but it is not a reason for less service life.
8. Centre heart, knots, split ends are basically the types of ______ found in wooden sleepers.
a) Defects
b) Fastenings
c) Joints
d) strength properties
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Explanation: The wooden sleepers obtained from the State forest departments have major defects in them. These may include Centre heart, knots, split ends, cross grains, etc.
9. According to the recommendations of the committee of the railway board what should be used compulsorily when traffic density exceeds 20GMT on BG routes?
a) Bearing plates
b) Colour codes
c) Stone ballast
d) Concrete sleepers
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Explanation: The committee said bearing plates must be used when traffic density exceeds 20GMT on BG routes and 5GMT on MG routes.
10. Which type of sleepers do not require any treatment and can be directly laid on the track?
a) Non-durable type
b) Durable type
c) Treated type
d) Untreated type
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Explanation: Durable sleepers are the ones which do not require any treatment before laying on track. These are sleepers produced from timbers like teak, Sal, etc.
11. What will happen if Non-durable type of sleepers are used without any treatment?
a) Decay of sleeper will take place
b) The sleeper will not fit properly
c) Fastenings will not work
d) It won’t cause any harm
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Explanation: Non-durable sleepers have short life spans if they are laid without treatment. Also it will cause quick decay of sleepers.
12. What is timber produced from trees with broad leaves also known as?
a) Soft wood
b) Durable wood
c) Hard wood
d) Treated wood
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Explanation: Wooden sleepers can be called hard and soft wood based on origin. Timber obtained from trees with broad leaves is known as hard wood.
13. The sleepers made of wood from naturally durable species are classified as ______
a) treated sleepers
b) durable sleepers
c) untreated sleepers
d) non-durable sleepers
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Explanation: Wooden sleepers are classified into two categories, Treated and Untreated sleepers. Untreated sleepers consist of sleepers made from naturally durable species. The rest of the sleepers are called Treated sleepers.
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