Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Peptidomimetics

This set of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Peptidomimetics”.

1. What is Peptidomimetic?
a) They are large protein groups having affinity for binding with peptides
b) They are complex protein structures that are naturally available
c) They are chain like structures that are specifically designed to mimic a peptide
d) They are disjoined structures that can mimic a protein molecule
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Answer: c
Explanation: Peptidomimetic molecules are small chain like structures that are specifically designed to mimic a peptide. They exhibit same level reactivity as like naturally available protein groups. Hence, they are used in Biopharmaceuticals.

2. Mimicking is considered as an important tool in rational drug design.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mimicking the structure of protein/peptides allows us to understand the native conformation of the molecule as well as its stability. Hence, it has become an important tool in rational drug design.

3. Why Sequence based peptide designing is used?
a) For large scale virtual screening
b) For high-throughput screening
c) For producing diverse molecules
d) For improving the molecule’s efficiency
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Answer: b
Explanation: Sequence based peptide technique is used mainly for high-throughput screening. This allows us to identify the active compounds and thereby, plays a crucial role in drug designing. Other techniques such as De novo synthesis and Fragment based designing can also be used.

4. Peptidomimetics shows high stability towards proteolysis.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The most important reason for considering Peptidomimetics over peptides in drug discovery is because of its high stability towards proteolysis. Peptidomimetics are not easily degraded and does not interact with multiple target molecules.

5. Morphine is an example of which of the following peptidomimetic groups?
a) Type Ⅰ Peptidomimetics
b) Type Ⅱ Peptidomimetics
c) Type Ⅲ Peptidomimetics
d) Type Ⅳ Peptidomimetics
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Answer: b
Explanation: Type Ⅱ Peptidomimetics are employed in drug discovery process for their ability to characterize the binding sites of the peptides/proteins and Morphine is considered as an important example for the group, Type Ⅱ Peptidomimetics.
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6. What is the full form of GRAB?
a) General Replacement Assisted Binding
b) General Reinforced Assisted Binding
c) Group Replacement Assisted Binding
d) Group Reinforced Assisted Binding
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Answer: c
Explanation: The full form of GRAB is Group Replacement Assisted Binding. This technique is primarily involved in the process of drug designing and are commonly used to synthesize Type Ⅳ Peptidomimetics.

7. Which of the following cannot be used to modify a peptide?
a) Homocyclic Generation
b) Heterocyclic Generation
c) Backbone Extension
d) Cyclization
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Answer: a
Explanation: Peptides can be modified using various techniques like Backbone Extension, Cyclization, Heterocyclic Generation, Carbonyl Replacement, N Replacement etc., but it cannot be achieved through Homocyclic Generation.

8. Which of the following Peptidomimetics can also be referred to as topographical mimetics?
a) Type Ⅰ Peptidomimetics
b) Type Ⅱ Peptidomimetics
c) Type Ⅲ Peptidomimetics
d) Type Ⅳ Peptidomimetics
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Answer: c
Explanation: Peptidomimetics can be classified into four types in which, the Type Ⅲ Peptidomimetics is referred to as topographical mimetics and the Type Ⅱ Peptidomimetics is generally known as functional mimetics.

9. Which of the following Peptidomimetic group may possess similar structural features as Type Ⅰ Peptidomimetics?
a) Type Ⅱ Peptidomimetics
b) Type Ⅲ Peptidomimetics
c) Type Ⅳ Peptidomimetics
d) Type Ⅴ Peptidomimetics
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Answer: c
Explanation: Type Ⅳ Peptidomimetics, also known as non-peptide mimetics, has structural and functional features that are relatively similar to Type Ⅰ Peptidomimetics, but their ability to bind with enzymes vary.

10. What is the half-life of Cyclosporin?
a) 90 minutes
b) 2 – 3 hours
c) 2.5 – 4 hours
d) 5 – 18 hours
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Answer: d
Explanation: Cyclosporin is a cyclic peptide molecule, commonly known as Calcineurin inhibitors, that are mainly used as immunosuppressants. They are also involved in other therapeutic activities such as organ transplantation. The half-life of Cyclosporin is anywhere around 5 – 18 hours.

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