Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Physical and Chemical Instability

This set of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Physical and Chemical Instability”.

1. Which of the following causes physical instability in parenteral solution?
a) pH
b) Changes in chemical composition
c) Viscosity
d) Temperature
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Answer: b
Explanation: Any significant alteration in chemical composition disrupts the physical stability in parenteral solutions. Other factors like Temperature, viscosity and pH causes instability in suspensions.

2. What is the name of the property that describes the process of absorption of moisture by a molecule from the atmosphere?
a) Lipophilicity
b) Hydrophilicity
c) Hygroscopicity
d) Nucleophilicity
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Answer: c
Explanation: The ability of a molecule to absorb moisture from the surrounding can be determined through Hygroscopicity. Hygroscopic analysis is carried out in order to identify the impact on a molecule’s physical and chemical stability upon moisture absorption.

3. What is the correct abbreviation of DSC?
a) Differential Scan Calorimetry
b) Distinctive Scan Calorimetry
c) Differential Scanning Calorimetry
d) Distinctive Scanning Calorimetry
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Answer: c
Explanation: The correct abbreviation of DSC is Differential Scanning Calorimetry which is used to analyze the thermal stability of a product. The accurate and highly precise data obtained from DSC is used in determining the physical stability of a product.

4. What phenomenon best characterizes chemical instability?
a) Dissolution
b) Coalescence
c) Precipitation
d) Hydrolysis
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Answer: d
Explanation: Hydrolysis is one of the mechanisms involved in molecular degradation that characterizes chemical instability, whereas dissolution, coalescence and precipitation characterizes physical instability.

5. Which of the following is a chelating agent?
a) Selenium
c) Polyphenols
d) Lutein
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Answer: b
Explanation: EDTA is the only chelating agent of the above given options. All the other options are examples of antioxidant agents. Both antioxidants and chelating agents have the tendency to prevent physical and chemical degradation.

6. Which antibiotic is more likely to undergo acid-catalyzed dehydration?
a) Erythromycin
b) Penicillin
c) Oxazepam
d) Cephalosporin
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Answer: a
Explanation: The antibiotics such as Penicillin, Oxazepam and Cephalosporin undergoes racemization reaction, where the antibiotics go through a transformation process to produce enantiomers. While dehydration occurs in Erythromycin through acid-catalysed reactions.

7. What is the correct abbreviation of TGA?
a) Thermogravimetric Analysis
b) Thermal Gravimetric Analysis
c) Thermo Gravity Analysis
d) Thermal Gravity Analysis
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Answer: a
Explanation: The proper abbreviation of TGA is Thermogravimetric Analysis. It is a quantitative thermal analysis technique that measures the mass of a sample at different temperatures at regular time intervals.

8. β-D-glucopyranose \(\overset{OH-}{{\leftarrow \rightarrow}}\) D-glucopyranose + D-mannopyranose
What is the name of the above given reaction?
a) Oxidation
b) Racemization
c) Epimerization
d) Decarboxylation
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Answer: c
Explanation: Epimerization is a process in which an epimer is formed by changing the configuration of one chiral centre. In this reaction, the β-D-glucopyranose is converted into D-glucopyranose (mutarotation) and forms D-mannopyranose (epimer).

9. While upon considering the physical stability of a drug product, which of the following conditions are to be maintained throughout the product’s shelf life?
a) Drug action
b) Sterility and Toxicity
c) Potency
d) Appearance and Uniformity
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Answer: d
Explanation: Both appearance and uniformity should be maintained necessarily to retain physical stability of a drug product. Along with these conditions pH, disintegration rate and packaging must also be considered based on the product’s nature.

10. Which reaction best describes ester hydrolysis?
a) Acyl-Acid cleavage
b) Reaction with cations
c) Reaction with vacant d-orbitals
d) Reduction of carbon
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Answer: a
Explanation: During ester hydrolysis, the acyl halides and acid anhydrides undergo cleavage reaction and gives out alcohol and acid as products. Moreover, the process can be catalysed by either an acid or base.

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