Drug Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Dosage Form Factors Affecting Drug…

This set of Drug Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Dosage Form Factors Affecting Drug Absorption – 2”.

1. Which one of the following sentences depicts the function of Disintegrants correctly?
a) These agents help in holding the powders together to form granules
b) These agents overcome the cohesive strength of the tablets and help in dissolution
c) These agents help in the flow of granules and reduce friction between particles
d) Added when the required dosage is inadequate
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Answer: b
Explanation: Disintegrants are the agents which overcome the cohesive strength and break them when they come in contact with the water. Binders are the agents that help in holding the powders together to form granules. Lubricants help in the flow of granules and reduce friction between particles. Binders are added when required dosage is inadequate.

2. A large amount of binders tends to increase the hardness of tablets.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The proportion of binders in any tablet formulation is very critical. Increase in the amount of binders tends to increase the hardness and decrease the disintegration and dissolution rates of the tablet.

3. An example of lubricants will be __________
a) PVP
b) Carbowaxes
c) CMC
d) Tetracycline
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Answer: b
Explanation: PVP is a binding agent. Carbowaxes is a soluble lubricant. CMC is an example of semisynthetic gums. And Tetracycline is diluent.

4. The deleterious effect of various coatings on drug dissolution is shown in orders below. Which one of them is the correct order?
a) Enteric coat > sugar coat > nonenteric film coat
b) Enteric coat > nonenteric film coat > sugar coat
c) Nonenteric film coat > sugar coat > enteric coat
d) Sugar coat > enteric coat > nonenteric film coat
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Answer: a
Explanation: The deleterious effect of various coatings on drug dissolution rate is in the following order enteric coat > sugar coat > nonenteric film coat. The dissolution rate of some coatings changes while they age e.g. shellac coated tablets.

5. Which of the following will be an example of an organic suspending agent?
a) CMC
b) MC
c) Acacia
d) Carbowaxes
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Answer: c
Explanation: CMC and MC are examples of semisynthetic gums. Acacia is an example of a vegetable drug that is organic. Carbowaxes is an example of a soluble lubricants.

6. Which one of these is not a mechanism of the working of surfactants?
a) Promote wetting by increasing the effective surface area
b) Helps in the dissolution of drug
c) Better membrane contact of the drug
d) Decrease membrane permeability
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mechanism involved in the increased absorption of the drug is, promotion of wetting through the increased surface area. These also help in better membrane contact and enhanced membrane permeability.

7. PABA complex is used for the enhancement of ______________
a) Enhanced chelation
b) Enhanced dissolution
c) Enhanced membrane permeability
d) Enhanced lipophilicity
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Answer: d
Explanation: Complexing agents are used to altering the physiochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of drugs. PABA complex is used to enhance lipophilicity for better membrane permeability.

8. The concentration of colorant does not affect the drug solubility.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Low concentration water soluble dye have inhibitory effect on the dissolution Rte OF SEVERAL crystalline drugs. The dye molecules get adsorbed on the crystal faces and inhibit drug dissolution.

9. Suspending agents and some sugars can be used as viscosity imparters.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Suspending agents and some of the sugars can be used to increase the viscosity of the drug. This affects the palatability and the pourability of the solution dosage form. This influence drug absorption ways.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Drug and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.

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