Drug Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Controlled Release Medication – Pr…

This set of Drug Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Controlled Release Medication – Prescription Writing – 2”.

1. What do you write on the prescription when the dosage has to be taken in the morning?
a) Mane
b) Midi
c) Nocte
d) Eve
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Answer: a
Explanation: Various drug has various different timing of administration such as early morning in empty stomach, after dinner, after lunch, etc. Thus when a dosage has to be taken in early morning doctors write mane indication morning on the prescription. Midi means take on the midday. Nocte means take at night.

2. What do you write on the prescription when the dosage has to be taken in the midday?
a) Mane
b) Midi
c) Nocte
d) Eve
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Answer: b
Explanation: Thus when a drug has to be taken on the midday the doctor will write midi indicating you should take the drug in the midday. Mane means take in the morning. Nocte means take at night.

3. What do you write on the prescription when the dosage has to be taken in the night time?
a) Mane
b) Midi
c) Nocte
d) Eve
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Answer: c
Explanation: Various drug has various different timing of administration such as early morning in empty stomach, after dinner, after lunch, etc. Thus when a doctor writes nocte on a prescription that clearly tells that we should take the medicine at night. Mane means the medicine has to be taken in the morning. Midi means the drug has to be taken in the midday.

4. What do you write on the prescription when the dosage has to be taken before food?
a) a.c.
b) p.c.
c) p.r.n.
d) p.r.
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a doctor writes a.c. on prescription for a drug that means you should take it before food. P.c. means after food. P.r.n. means the drug can be taken as required. P.r means the dosage has to be given rectally.

5. What do you write on the prescription when the dosage has to be taken after food?
a) a.c.
b) p.c.
c) p.r.n.
d) p.r.
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Answer: b
Explanation: P.c. means after food. That means the patient should take in the full stomach. When a doctor writes a.c. on prescription for a drug that means you should take it before food. P.r.n. means the drug can be taken as required. P.r means the dosage has to be given rectally.
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6. What do you write on the prescription when the dosage has to be taken as required?
a) a.c.
b) p.c.
c) p.r.n.
d) p.r.
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Answer: c
Explanation: P.r.n. means the drug can be taken as required. That means whenever the patient feels like he has to take the medicine he will take. Such as paracetamol given only when the patient feels feverish. When a doctor writes a.c. on prescription for a drug that means you should take it before food. P.c. means after food. P.r means the dosage has to be given rectally.

7. What do you write on the prescription when the dosage has to be taken through a subcutaneous route?
a) p.o.
b) s.c.
c) p.r.
d) i.m.
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Answer: b
Explanation: Whenever a drug has to be injected subcutaneously the doctor will write s.c. whenever the drug has to be taken orally the doctor will write p.o. for intramuscular the doctor will write i.m. for intravenous the doctor will write i.v. for rectal administration, the doctor will write p.r.

8. What do you write on the prescription when the dosage has to be taken through the oral route?
a) p.o.
b) s.c.
c) p.r.
d) i.m.
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Answer: a
Explanation: Whenever a drug has to be injected subcutaneously the doctor will write s.c. whenever the drug has to be taken orally the doctor will write p.o., drugs such as paracetamol, pantoprazole, etc. will be given orally. These drugs will have extra coating so that they do get dissolved by the acidic environment. For intramuscular the doctor will write i.m. for intravenous the doctor will write i.v. for rectal administration, the doctor will write p.r.

9. What do you write on the prescription when the dosage has to be taken through rectal route?
a) p.o.
b) s.c.
c) p.r.
d) i.m.
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Answer: c
Explanation: Whenever a drug has to be injected subcutaneously the doctor will write s.c. Many drugs when has to be given to kids will be given rectally. Since for kids injection or orally can be difficult rectally is a better way.

10. A doctor should specify why any drug was started, stopped or the dose changed.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A doctor should list all medicines including dose, route, and frequency clearly on a prescription. 50% of misunderstanding happens with drug consumption due to miscommunications between the doctor and the patient. The doctor should also specify any changes to medicines and why they were started, stopped or the dose changed.

11. The 3rd part of a prescription is prefaced by which of the following?
a) Mitte
b) Sig
c) Rx
d) Eve
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Answer: a
Explanation: Third part of the prescription specifies the quantity to be dispensed. Traditionally prefaced by Mitte or M: For amoxicillin may specify one week’s supply M: 1 week supply. The largest quantity dispensed is 3 months’ supply except, for oral contraceptive which is 6 months’ supply.

12. The 2nd part of a prescription is prefaced by which of the following?
a) Mitte
b) Sig
c) Rx
d) Eve
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Answer: b
Explanation: Second part of prescription are the instructions that go on the label. Traditionally begins with Sig. This is short for Signa which means a mark or write. For amoxicillin this may be written as Sig: i t.i.d. p.o.

13. The 1st part of a prescription is prefaced by which of the following?
a) Mitte
b) Sig
c) Rx
d) Eve
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Answer: c
Explanation: Rx or Recipe (translates as Taking thou). If a prescription is for amoxicillin this part of the prescription may read as Rx Amoxicillin caps 250 mg or Rx Amoxicillin syrup 125mg/5ml. The first part of the prescription lists the name of the medicine, formulation and the strength of the medicine.

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