This set of Human Physiology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Excretory Products and Elimination – Composition and Conduction of Urine”.
1. Maximum absorption of Na+ and K+ occurs in __________
a) Loop of Henle
b) Bowman’s capsule
c) DCT
d) PCT
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Explanation: PCT is proximal convoluted tubule. It is the convoluted portion of the vertebrate nephron that lies between Bowman’s capsule and the loop of Henle and functions in resorption of sugar, sodium and chloride ions.
2. In micturition ___________
a) Urethra relaxes
b) Ureters relax
c) Ureters contract
d) Urethra contracts
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Explanation: Act of passing the urine is called as micturition. During micturition, Urethra relaxes and urine is passed out.
3. Glomerular hydrostatic pressure is present in ________
a) Tubule of kidney
b) Bowman’s capsule
c) Malpighian tubule
d) Glomerulus
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Explanation: Glomerulus is a tuft of small blood vessels called capillaries located within Bowman’s capsule within the kidney. Blood enters Glomerulus by single arteriole called an afferent arteriole and leaves by an efferent arteriole.
4. Glomerular filtrate contains _________
a) Plasma without sugars
b) Blood without blood cells and proteins
c) Blood with proteins but without cells
d) Blood without urea
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Explanation: Glomerular filtrate contains Blood without blood cells and proteins. It then filtered later.
5. Which one is an important constituent of rennin angiotensinogen aldosterone system?
a) Macular cells
b) Plasma cells
c) JGA cells
d) Erythropoietin
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Explanation: JGA cells contain three cell types. They secrete rennin enzyme.
6. Haematuria means _________
a) RBCs in urine
b) WBCs in urine
c) Fats in urine
d) Urea in urine
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Explanation: Haematuria is the presence of red blood cells in the urine. It is detected using a dipstick test.
7. Which of the following is not a nitrogenous waste?
a) Citrulin
b) Allantoin
c) Purines
d) Creatinine
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Explanation: Citrulin is an alpha amino acid. They are important to heart and blood vessel health. They also boost the immune system.
8. Volume of urine is regulated by ___________
a) ADH
b) Aldosterone
c) ADH and Aldosterone
d) Aldosterone and testosterone
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Explanation: ADH and Aldosterone are hormones that tell the kidney to put water back in the blood. ADH is also known as vasopressin.
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