Human Physiology Questions and Answers – Chemical Coordination and Integration – Gonads

This set of Human Physiology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Chemical Coordination and Integration – Gonads”.

1. Gonadotropic hormone is released by ___________
a) Gonads
b) Germ layers
c) Neurohypophysis
d) Adenohypophysis
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Answer: d
Explanation: Adenohypophysis is also known as anterior pituitary. Adenohypophysis secretes gonadotropic hormone and it is released in gonads.

2. Which of the following hormone is responsible for the secretion of milk after parturition?
c) LH
d) Prolactin
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Answer: d
Explanation: Prolactin is responsible for the secretion of milk after parturition. It is also known as the luteotropic hormone. It is a protein substance.

3. Menstruation is due to _______
a) Reduction of FSH
b) Increase of LH
c) Reduction is Estrogen and progesterone
d) Decrease in LH
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Answer: c
Explanation: Menstruation is a regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through vagina. Menstruation is due to Reduction is Estrogen and progesterone.

4. Estrogens and testosterone are steroid hormones and most likely bind to __________
a) Cytoplasmic receptors
b) Membrane ion channels
c) Enzyme linked membrane receptors
d) G protein coupled receptor
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Answer: a
Explanation: Steroids hormone receptors are found in the nucleus, cytosol, and on the plasma membrane of target cells. They are generally intracellular receptors.

5. Which of the following controls the functions of sertoli cells?
a) FSH
c) Estrogen
d) Testosterone
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sertoli cells are somatic cells of the testis. They facilitate the progression of germ cells to spermatozoa. FSH controls the functions of sertoli cells.
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6. Testosterone is secreted by ________
a) Sertoli cells
b) Leydig cells
c) Thyroid
d) Spermatogenic cells
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Answer: b
Explanation: Testosterone is the key male sex hormone that regulates fertility. Testosterone is secreted by Leydig cells. Leydig cells are found in seminiferous tubules in the testicles.

7. Corpus luteum secretes _______
a) LH
b) Progesterone
c) Progesterone and LH
d) Progesterone and estrogen
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Answer: d
Explanation: Corpus luteum develops from an ovarian follicle during the luteal phase of menstrual cycle. Corpus luteum secretes Progesterone and estrogen.

8. Aldosterone is secreted by __________
a) Zona glomerulosa
b) Zona fasciculata
c) Zona reticularis
d) Zona pellucida
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Answer: a
Explanation: Aldosterone is secreted by Zona glomerulosa. Zona glomerulosa is the most superficial layer of adrenal cortex. Its cells are ovoid and arranged in clusters.

9. ____________ is a male sex hormone.
a) Estrogen
b) Androgen
c) Insulin
d) Pheromones
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Answer: b
Explanation: Androgen is a male sex hormone. It primarily influences the growth and development of the male reproductive system.

10. Anabolic steroids are __________ forms of testosterone.
a) Ineffective
b) Natural
c) Synthetic
d) Super active
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Answer: c
Explanation: Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances related to make sex hormone. They promote the growth of skeletal muscle and the development of male sexual characteristics.

11. In male reproductive system, testicles are inside a sac called as ________
a) Scrotum
b) Bladder
c) Rectum
d) Glands
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Answer: a
Explanation: Scrotum is the anatomical male reproductive structure. Testicles are inside a sac called as Scrotum.

12. What is the function of LH hormone?
a) Stimulates oxidative respiration
b) Stimulates muscle growth
c) Causes color change in skin
d) Stimulates production of testosterone
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Answer: d
Explanation: LH hormone is luteinizing hormone. It is produced in pituitary gland. In female acute rise in LH triggers ovulation. It stimulates the production of testosterone in males.

13. What are the female gonads?
a) Ovary
b) Ova
c) Testis
d) Testicles
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ovaries are part of the female reproductive system. They produce eggs and hormones.

14. A person infected with HIV may not show symptoms for years.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: HIV causes AIDS and interferes with the body’s ability to fight infections. A person infected with HIV may not show symptoms for years.

15. Semen is the same thing as sperm.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Semen is not the same thing as sperm. Semen is a male reproductive fluid containing spermatozoa in suspension. Semen also contains substances from the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

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