Complex Analysis Questions and Answers – Roots of Complex Numbers

This set of Complex Analysis Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Roots of Complex Numbers.

1. The nth roots of any number are in ____________
a) arithmetic progression
b) geometric progression
c) harmonic progression
d) no specific pattern
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that re=rei(α+2π). Hence, if reiα/n is a nth root of a number, then, re i(α/n+2π/n) is also a nth root of that number. Hence, the roots are in G.P. with common ratio= ei2π/n.

2. In the Argand Plane shown below, a,b,c,d are the 4-th roots of 16. Find the area of the closed Polygon having a,b,c,d as its vertices.
Find the area of the closed Polygon having a,b,c,d as its vertices in Argand Plane
a) 2 sq. units
b) 4 sq. units
c) 8 sq. units
d) 16 sq. units
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Answer: c
Explanation: The complex numbers a,b,c,d are in G.P. with common ratio eiπ/2. Therefore, a square is formed having side of 81/2(since O-a length is 2, therefore, b-a length is 81/2) . Hence the required area=(81/2)2=8 sq. units.

3. For k=1,2,…9, if we define zk=cos(3kπ/10)+isin(2kπ/10), then is it true that for each zk, there exists zj satisfying zk× zj=1?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: zk= ei(2kπ/10)⇒ zk× zj=ei(2π/10)(k+j), zk is 10th root of unity.
⇒\(\overline{z_k}\) is also 10th root of unity. Taking zj as \(\overline{z_k}\), we have zk×zj=1.

4. For k=1,2,…9, if we define zk=cos(3kπ/10)+isin(2kπ/10), then is it possible that z1×z=zk has no Solution z?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: z=zk/z1=ei(2kπ/10-2π/10)=eiπ/5(k-1)
For k = 2; z=eiπ/5, therefore a solution always exists.

5. Find the value of the expression (-1/2+i√3/2)637+(-1/2-i√3/2)337.
a) -1
b) 0
c) 1
d) i
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Answer: a
Explanation: (-1/2+i√3/2)=ω and (-1/2-i√3/2)=ω2, ω being the complex cube root of unity.
Therefore, expression has the value ω637337=ω+ω2=-1.

6. Let a and b be complex cube roots of unity. If x=7a+2b and y=2a+7b, then evaluate xy.
a) 9
b) 39
c) 45
d) 53
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Answer: d
Explanation: Write a=ω and b=ω2.
Now, xy=(7a+2b)(2a+7b)=(7ω+2ω2)(2ω+7ω2)=14ω2+14ω+53=39 (since, 1+ω+ω2=0).

7. For integral x,y,z, find the range of |x+yω+zω2| if it is not true that x=y=z.
a) [1, ∞)
b) [√3, ∞)
c) (0, √3)
d) (0, ∞)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Put a=∞ and b=c=0 to show that maximum value tends to infinity.
Now, z=|x+yω+zω2|, hence, z2=|x+yω+zω2|2=(x2+y2+z2-xy-yz-zx)=1/2{(x-y)2+(y-z)2+(z-x)2}
Now if x=y, then y≠z and x≠z (given that x,y,z are not all equal)⇒(y-z)2≥1, also (z-x)2≥1 and
(x-y)2=0. Therefore, z2≥½(0+1+1)=1, hence |z|≥1.

8. Find the value of (1+ω)(1+ω2)(1+ω4)(1+ω8)…to 2n factors.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: (1+ω)(1+ω2)(1+ω4)(1+ω8)…up to 2n factors
= (-ω2)(-ω)(1+ω)(1+ω2) …up to 2n factors
= 1×1×1×L up to n factors = 1.

9. If α,β,ȣ are the roots of equation x3–3x2+3x+7=0 and ω is cube root of unity, then evaluate
a) ω
b) ω2
c) 3ω
d) 3ω2
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Answer: d
Explanation: equation can be simplified to (x-1)3=-8⇒(x-1)/(-2)=(1)1/3⇒roots: 1,ω,ω2
⇒ α=-1, β=1-2ω, ȣ=1-2ω2. Therefore, required value=-2/(-2ω)+(-2ω)/(-2ω2)+(-2ω2)/(-2)
= 1/ω+1/ω+1/ω=3/ω=3ω2.

10. Find the possible value(s) of Re(i1/2)+|Im(i1/2)|.
a) -1, 1
b) 0, √2
c) 0, 1
d) 1, √2
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Answer: b
Explanation: We can write: i=eiπ/2⇒i1/2=eiπ/4=1/√2+i/√2, also i1/2=ei3π/4=-1/√2-i/√2
Hence, Re(i1/2)+|Im(i1/2)|=1/√2+1/√2=√2 OR -1/√2+1/√2=0.

11. Let ω and ω2 be the non-real cube roots of unity and 1/(a+ω)+1/(b+ω)+1/(c+ω)=2ω2 and 1/(a+ω2)+1/(b+ω2)+1/(c+ω2)=2ω, then calculate 1/(a+1)+1/(b+1)+1/(c+1).
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given relations can be written as: 1/(a+ω)+1/(b+ω)+1/(c+ω)=2/ω, and
1/(a+ω2)+1/(b+ω2)+1/(c+ω2)=2/ω2⇒ω and ω2 are roots of 1/(a+x)+1/(b+x)+1/(c+x)=2/x.
Let 3rd root be α (apart from ω and ω2). Then, α+ ω+ ω2=coefficient of x2=0⇒α=1. Hence, 1/(a+1)+1/(b+1)+1/(c+1)=2/1=2.

12. Find the cube root of 8i lying in the first quadrant of the complex plane.
a) i-√3
b) 2i+√3
c) i+2√3
d) i+√3
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Answer: d
Explanation: Let z3=8i⇒z3=-8i3⇒[z/(-2i)]3=1.
⇒z/(-2i)=1 or ω or ω2⇒z=-2i or -2iω or -2iω2
⇒z=-2i or i+√3 or i-√3 out of which i+√3 lies in the first quadrant.

13. If ω is the complex cube root of unity, then which among the following is a factor of the polynomial x6+ 4x5+3x4+2x3+x+1?
a) x+ω
b) x+ω2
c) (x+ω)(x+ω2)
d) (x–ω)(x–ω2)
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Answer: d
Explanation: Let f(x)=x6+ 4x5+3x4+2x3+x+1. Therefore, f(ω)= ω6+4ω5+3ω4+2ω3+ω+1=0
Since, ω2 is the complex conjugate of ω, therefore ω2 is also a root (roots occur in conjugate pairs). Therefore (x–ω)(x–ω2) is a root. Also, f(-ω)=(-ω)6+4(-ω)5+3(-ω)4+2(-ω)3+(-ω)+1=1-4ω2+3ω-2-ω+1≠0⇒-ω and hence -ω2 are not the roots.

14. Find ∑r=1(ar+b) ωr-1 if ω is a complex nth root of unity.
a) n(n+1)a/2
b) nb/(1-n)
c) na/(ω-1)
d) n(n+1)a/(ω-1)
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Answer: c
Explanation: (a+b)+(2a+b)ω+(3a+b)ω2+…+(na+b)ωn-1=b(1+ω+ω2+….+ωn-1)+a(1+2ω+3ω2+…+nωn-1)
Let S=1+2ω+3ω2+…+nωn-1⇒Sω= ω+2ω2+…+(n-1)ωn-1+nωn⇒S(1-ω)=1+ω+ ω2+…+ωn-1–nωn=-n

15. Which of the following is not equal to (-1)1/3?
a) -1
b) (-√3+i)/(2i)
c) (√3+i)/(2i)
d) (√3–i)/(2i)
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Answer: d
Explanation: Let x=(-1)1/3⇒x3=-1⇒(-x)3=1⇒-x=1, ω, ω2
Therefore, x=-1,- ω,- ω2=-1, (-√3+i)/(2i), (√3+i)/(2i).

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