Biochemistry Questions and Answers – Electron-Transfer reactions in Mitochondria

This set of Biochemistry Assessment Questions and Answers focuses on “Electron-Transfer reactions in Mitochondria”.

1. Protein that contains a nucleic acid derivative of riboflavin is called _________
a) Nucleic acid
b) Amino acid
c) Flavoprotein
d) None
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Answer: c
Explanation: Flavoproteins contain a very tightly, sometimes covalently, bound flavin nucleotide, either FMN or FAD.

2. NADP-linked dehydrogenase catalyzes _________
a) Glucose 6-phosphate+NADP+ ↔ 6-phosphogluconate + NADPH + H+
b) Lactate + NAD+ ↔ pyruvate + NADH + H+
c) Pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ ↔ acetyl-CoA + CO2 + NADH + H+
d) L-Malate + NAD+ ↔ oxaloacetate + NADH + H+
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Answer: a
Explanation: NADP-linked dehydrogenase catalyzes Glucose 6-phosphate+NADP+ ↔ 6-phosphogluconate + NADPH + H+.

3. A lipid-soluble benzoquinone with a long isoprenoid side chain is?
a) Ubiquinone
b) Cytochrome b
c) Cytochrome c
d) Cytochrome a
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ubiquinone also known as coenzyme Q is a lipid-soluble benzoquinone with a long isoprenoid side chain.

4. The only membrane bound enzyme in the citric acid cycle is _________
a) Succinate dehydrogenase
b) NADH dehydrogenase
c) ATP synthase
d) Acyl co-A dehydrogenase
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Answer: a
Explanation: The only membrane bound enzyme in the citric acid cycle is succinate dehydrogenase.

5. The first step in the β oxidation of fatty acyl co-A is catalyzed by _________
a) Succinate dehydrogenase
b) NADH dehydrogenase
c) ATP synthase
d) Acyl co-A dehydrogenase
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Answer: d
Explanation: It involves the transfer of electrons from the substrate to the FAD of the dehydrogenase, then to ETF.

6. Complex 1 is also called _________
a) NADH dehydrogenase
b) Succinate dehydrogenase
c) Cytochrome bc1 complex
d) Cytochrome oxidase
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Answer: a
Explanation: Complex 2 is called succinate dehydrogenase.
Complex 3 is called the cytochrome bc1 complex.
Complex 4 is called cytochrome oxidase.

7. Complex 2 is also called _________
a) NADH dehydrogenase
b) Succinate dehydrogenase
c) Cytochrome bc1 complex
d) Cytochrome oxidase
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Answer: b
Explanation: Complex 1 is called NADH dehydrogenase.
Complex 3 is called the cytochrome bc1 complex.
Complex 4 is called cytochrome oxidase.

8. Complex 3 is also called _________
a) NADH dehydrogenase
b) Succinate dehydrogenase
c) Cytochrome bc1 complex
d) Cytochrome oxidase
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Answer: c
Explanation: Complex 1 is called NADH dehydrogenase.
Complex 4 is called cytochrome oxidase.
Complex 2 is called succinate dehydrogenase.

9. Complex 4 is also called _________
a) NADH dehydrogenase
b) Succinate dehydrogenase
c) Cytochrome bc1 complex
d) Cytochrome oxidase
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Answer: d
Explanation: Complex IV, also known as cytochrome oxidase, catalyzes the final
step in the mitochondrial electron transport chain and is one of the key regulators of oxidative

10. In mitochondria, hydride ions are removed from substrates by _________
a) NAD-linked dehydrogenases
b) NADP-linked dehydrogenases
c) ATP synthase
d) Succinate dehydrogenases
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Answer: a
Explanation: In cytosol hydride ions are removed from substrates by NADP-linked dehydrogenases.

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