Energy and Environment Management Questions and Answers – Major Environmental…

This set of Energy & Environment Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Major Environmental Problems Associated with Selected Industry Sector”.

1. Why aviation causing environmental problems?
a) Due to demand and continually growing of aviation
b) Due to not proper growing of aviation
c) Due to decrease in the aviation
d) Due to pilot’s negligence
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Answer: a
Explanation: Demand for air transport is continually growing and if this demand is to be met with all the attendant benefits, society must also accept the costs which includes noise, pollution, climate change, risk and resource use etc.

2. How computer industry causing environmental problems?
a) By not providing jobs to humans
b) By modern technologies like IOT, block chains
c) By printing unnecessary large amount of files
d) By making people lazy
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Answer: c
Explanation: Computer are also causing environmental problems, when we print unnecessary large amounts of files from internal which wastes paper and harm trees. More use of computers wastes electricity that could have been saved and reduce the amount of burning of fossil fuel.

3. Why lead harmful for children?
a) Because it don’t give any nutritional values
b) Because it cause indigestion
c) Because it interferes with development of the nervous system
d) Because children become addict to this
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Answer: c
Explanation: Lead is harmful to children because it interferes with development of the nervous system. It is a neurotoxin that can harm the kidneys and reproductive systems. Even low levels of lead and be harmful to a children mental development.

4. Apart from printing papers and electricity computers causing environmental problems by__________________
a) Making people lazy
b) Electronic wastes
c) Causing soil pollution
d) Causing noise pollution
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Answer: b
Explanation: Computers are made of heavy metals and dangerous chemicals. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, beryllium and PVC. These metal and chemicals contribute to global warming and causing pollution.

5. What is the impact of food processing on the environment?
a) Create loss in the vegetation
b) Create disposal problems
c) Create forest fire
d) Create deforestation
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Answer: b
Explanation: The highly diversified nature of the food industry, various food processing, handling and packaging operations create wastes of different quality and quantity. If we don’t treat that could lead to increase disposal problems and severe pollution problems.

6. Industrialization causing urbanization.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Industrialization needs people to work in factories. People move from rural areas to cities. They are spread out to industrialized cities. A higher population puts added pressure on the local environment and cause environmental problems.

7. What step taken in mines to limit the environmental damages?
a) Construction of artificial mines
b) Construction of dams
c) Construction of heat processor
d) Construction of storage center
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Answer: b
Explanation: To limit the environmental damage, mines often construct dams and place the toxic water inside. These dams do not necessarily prevent contamination of the surrounding environment, toxic waste can easily seep into soil and groundwater.

8. What is the main reason for acid mine drainage?
a) Dirty gold mining
b) Ground water
c) Soil erosion
d) Granite mining
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dirty gold mining often leads to a persistent problem known as acid mine drainage. The problem results when underground rock disturbed by mining is newly exposed to air and water. Acidic water draining from mine sites is more concentrated than acid rain.

9. Which of the following is a liquid metal?
a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Oxygen
d) Mercury
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mercury is a liquid metal. It is used in artisanal and small scale gold mining to extract gold from rock and sediment. Mercury reaches rivers, atmosphere, lakes and oceans. The use of mercury in gold mining is causing a global health and environmental crisis.

10. Mercury is extremely good to human health.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mercury is bad for human health. The amount of vapor released by mining activities has been proven to damage kidneys, liver, brain, heart, lungs and immune system. In children and developing fetuses, mercury can impair neurological development.

11. What is the main reason of releasing of mercury into the Amazon’s water?
a) Soil erosion
b) Earth quake
c) Nuclear wastes
d) Gold mining
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Answer: d
Explanation: Gold mining is the main responsible for the release of large amounts of mercury into the Amazon’s air and water. The mercury is poisoning plants, animals, fish and people. As gold mining increases, forests are coming down.

12. What is the main cause of industrial pollution?
a) Lack of polices to control pollution
b) Use of modern technologies
c) Planned industrial growth
d) Efficient waste disposal
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Answer: a
Explanation: Lack of effective policies and poor enforcement drive allowed many industries to pass certain laws made by the pollution control board which resulted in mass scale pollution that affected lives of many people.

13. What is the term used for the use of resources for industrialization?
a) Pollution
b) Urbanization
c) Extraction
d) Waste material
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Answer: c
Explanation: Industrialization makes use of resources from the land, water, wood, plants, fossil fuels, etc. This has an effect on the environment. Since demand goes up, more quantities of minerals and ores are extracted from the land.

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