This set of Energy & Environment Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Ozone Layer Depletion”.
1. Which of the following action takes place in the formation of ozone?
a) Action of daylight on oxygen
b) Action of daylight on nitrogen
c) Action of daylight on hydrogen
d) Action of daylight on phosphorous
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Explanation: Ozone is made by the action of daylight on oxygen. It forms a layer 20 to 50 km over the surface of the earth. This action of formation of ozone over the surface of the earth takes place naturally within the atmosphere.
2. How many oxygen particles are there in every atom of ozone?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
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Explanation: Ozone is a type of oxygen that has three particles in every atom. The formation of ozone is extremely slow. Ozone gas is extremely toxic with a powerful odor. This toxic gas is harmful to environment.
3. Why ozone within the upper environment is important?
a) Because it provides rain to the earth
b) It protects the earth from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiations
c) It provides good aesthetic view to the atmosphere
d) It protects the earth from floods
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Explanation: Ozone within the upper environment is important to all existence because it protects the earth from the harmful ultraviolent radiations. The ozone layer within upper atmosphere absorbs the sun’s ultraviolent radiations and it prevents it to reach the earth surface.
4. Which of the following is threat to the ozonosphere?
a) Nitrogen dioxide
b) Oxygen
c) CFCs
d) Carbon dioxide
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Explanation: Ozone layer within the atmosphere protects life on earth from harmful ultraviolent radiation from the sun. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that were used as refrigerants and aerosol spray propellants expose a threat to the ozonosphere.
5. Which one of the following is a result of ozone layer depletion?
a) Increase in the oxygen level
b) Increase in the nitrogen level
c) Increase in the phosphorous level
d) Increases in the carbon dioxide level
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Explanation: The destruction of the ozone layer causes harm to positive vegetation and to plankton and accordingly affecting nature’s food chains and food webs. This in turn causes an increase in carbon dioxide due to the decrease in vegetation.
6. Ozone at a ground level considered as a pollutant.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Ozone is taken into consideration as a pollutant at ground level and constitutes a health risk. The health risks like inflicting respiratory ailments like allergies and bronchitis and other health related issues.
7. In which layer of atmosphere ozone is very vital for all vegetation?
a) Upper atmosphere
b) Below atmosphere
c) Ground level
d) Below ground level
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Explanation: Ozone in the upper atmosphere is vital to all forms of life as it protects the earth from harmful UV radiations. Ozone at ground level is considered a pollutant at ground level and causes harm to vegetation.
8. Which atom released when CFCs molecules are broken from UV radiations?
a) Oxygen
b) Chlorine
c) Nitrogen
d) Arsenic
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Explanation: The CFC molecules are virtually indestructible until they reach the level of stratosphere. In stratosphere UV radiations breaks them down to release chlorine atoms. These chlorine atoms react with ozone molecules to break them down into oxygen molecules.
9. What is the full form of CFCs?
a) Chlorofluorocarbons
b) Chlorine fluorocarbons
c) Chromate fluorocarbons
d) Chlorofluridcarbons
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Explanation: CFCs stands for chlorofluorocarbons. In the 1970s, scientists discovered chlorofluorocarbons, which are used as refrigerants and aerosol spray propellants, pose a threat to the ozone layer.
10. Which is the first place where scientist found the thinning of ozone layer?
a) Atmosphere above Australia
b) Atmosphere above Antarctica
c) Atmosphere above India
d) Atmosphere above France
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Explanation: Antarctica was the first place where scientist comes to known about the thinning of ozone layer. In the early 1980s, scientists have detected a thinning of the ozone layer in the atmosphere above Antarctica.
11. Which treaty was signed in 187 for the protection of ozone layer?
a) The Montreal Protocol
b) The Kyoto Protocol
c) Ozone Summit
d) Wildlife Conservation Act
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Explanation: The Montreal Protocol which was signed in 1987 is a treaty for the protection of the ozone layer, the use of CFCs was to be banned by the year 2000, after which the ozone layer is expected to slowly recover over a period of about 50 years.
12. Which one of the following cause ozone layer depletion?
a) Oxygen
b) Mercury
c) Sodium silicate
d) Methyl chloroform
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Explanation: Methyl chloroform belongs to ‘Ozone Depleting Substances’. There are other chemical substances apart from the chlorofluorocarbons that are generally grouped as ozone depleting substances. Methyl chloroform used on making industrial solvents.
13. Which compound which used in fire extinguishers cause ozone layer depletion?
a) Sodium aluminates
b) Phosphates
c) Halons
d) Sulfurous silicate
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Explanation: Halons are compounds formed by Br, F and C. Because of its ability to put out fires, they are used in fire extinguishers, although their manufacture and use is prohibited in many countries because of their ozone depleting action.
14. The reduced in the use of CFCs completely prevents the ozone layer depletion.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The reduced in the use of CFCs didn’t completely prevent the ozone layer depletion. Although the use of CFCs has been reduced and banned in most countries, other chemicals like bromine, nitrous oxides and halocarbons continue to attack the ozone layer.
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