This set of Energy & Environment Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Food Security”.
1. When did the word food security came into exist?
a) 1970
b) 1972
c) 1974
d) 1976
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Explanation: At 1974 ‘World Food Conference’ held at Rome the term food security came into existence. It was defined with an emphasis a supply. Food security is defined as an availability at the times of adequate world food supplies of basic food stuffs to sustain a steady expansion of food.
2. Coping Strategies Index is related to_______________
a) Financial statement
b) Food security measurement
c) Banking sector
d) Sales
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Explanation: Coping Strategies Index(CSI) assesses household behavior based on a set of varied established behaviors on how households cope with food shortages. CSI was developed in Uganda, Ghana and Kenya but has now been used for early warning and food security monitoring and assessment.
3. MSP stands for_________________
a) Maximum support price
b) Minimum support price
c) Marginal support price
d) Main support price
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Explanation: Minimum support price is the price at which government purchase crops from the farmers, whatever may be the price for the crops. MSP helps to incentivize the farmers and thus ensures adequate food grains production in the country.
4. Annapurna scheme provide food requirements of____________
a) Children
b) Women
c) Senior citizens
d) Students
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Explanation: Annapurna scheme aims at providing food security to meet the requirement for senior citizens. The Annapurna scheme has been launched with effect from 1st of April in the year 2000 to provide food to senior citizens.
5. The official document entitling the holder to a ration of food issued by the government of India is known as____________
a) Ration card
b) Food card
c) Health card
d) Insurance card
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Explanation: Ration card is primarily used when purchasing subsidized food stuffs. This ration card has been used since second world war. India is public distribution system is based on the ration card. This ration card is used to establish identity, eligibility and entitlement.
6. The color of Antyodaya Anna Yojana scheme card is______________
a) Pink
b) Black
c) Blue
d) Yellow
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Explanation: Antyodaya Anna Yojana is a government of India sponsored scheme to provide highly subsidized food to millions of the poorest families. Antyodaya ration card also called by the name PDS yellow card because of it’s yellow color.
7. In which state ration shops are run by co-operatives in large extend?
a) Assam
b) Karnataka
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Goa
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Explanation: Out of all fair price shops running in Tamil Nadu, around 94% are being run by the co-operatives. The co-operatives are playing an important role in food security in India especially in the southern and western parts of the country.
8. For grain banks in different regions which society is established?
a) Academy of Development Science
b) Kissan
c) Amul
d) Food research center
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Explanation: Academy of Development Science (ADS) has facilitated a network of NGOs for setting up grain banks in different regions. Because of ADS grain banks are slowly taking shape in different parts of Maharashtra and in the borders of Karnataka.
9. Where can we find seasonal hunger?
a) Urban
b) Metro cities
c) Forest
d) Rural areas
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Explanation: Seasonal hunger is related to cycles of food growing and harvesting. This is prevalent in rural areas because of the seasonal nature of agriculture activities. It occurs in a community or society at only certain times of the year.
10. Buffer stock scheme purpose is______________
a) To save food grains from pest attack
b) To stop price fluctuations
c) To transport the food
d) To deliver the food
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Explanation: A buffer stock scheme is an attempt to use commodity storage for the purpose of stabilizing prices in an entire economy. For example, the United States ‘Strategic Petroleum Reserve’ stores 727 million barrels of crude petroleum, which is sold during shortages.
11. Goats are the solution to global food security.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Goats are an important part of the solution to global food security because they are fairly low maintenance and easy to raise and farm when compare to other animals. The trinomial name of goat is ‘Capraaegagrus hircus’. Female goats referred as ‘does’.
12. How many pillars are there in food security according to WHO?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
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Explanation: According to WHO there are three pillars that determine food security. They are food availability, food access and food use. In addition to WHO, the world summit on food security stated that there are four pillars namely food availability, food access, food utilization and food stabiltity.
13. In which state of India Amul headquarter situated?
a) Kerala
b) Bihar
c) Gujarat
d) West Bengal
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Explanation: Amul is an Indian dairy co-operative based at Anand in the state of Gujarat. It is founded in 1946 by Tribhuvandas Patel. Amul abbreviation stands for Anand Milk Union Limited. Amul created India’s white revolution.
14. F.C.I stands for__________________
a) Food Center of India
b) Food Center of Investigation
c) Food Complex of Integrity
d) Food Corporation of India
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Explanation: The Food Corporation of India (FCI) was setup under ‘Food Corporation Act 1964’. It established in order to fulfill the objectives of the food policy. Since its inception, FCI has played a significant role in India’s success in transforming the crisis management oriented food security into a stable system.
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