Casting Questions and Answers – Converter

This set of Metal Casting Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Converter”.

1. In the given figure of a side blown converter, what does the question mark represent?
Outer shell of the side blown converter
a) Shell
b) Tuyeres
c) Wind box
d) Refractory lining
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here, the question mark is representing the outer shell of the converter. Inside the shell, then lies the refractory lining.

2. In the given figure of a side blown converter, what does the question mark represent?
The figure representing the refractory lining of a side blown converter
a) Shell
b) Tuyeres
c) Wind box
d) Refractory lining
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.

3. In the given figure of a side blown converter, what does the question mark represent?
Tuyeres at the left of the side blown converters
a) Shell
b) Tuyeres
c) Wind box
d) Refractory lining
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the following figure, the question mark is representing the part called tuyeres. Tuyeres are situated at the left of the side blown converters, and air is blown through the charge from left to right.

4. In the given figure of a side blown converter, what does the question mark represent?
Wind box located outside side blown converter towards left
a) Shell
b) Tuyeres
c) Wind box
d) Refractory lining
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the shown figure, the question mark is representing a wind box. This box is located a little outside the side blown converter towards the left. From this box, air blasts are passed.

5. In the given figure of a side blown converter, what does the question mark represent?
Trunnion of a side blown converter
a) Tuyeres
b) Liquid metal
c) Trunnion for tilting
d) Wind box
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Answer: c
Explanation: The question mark is representing a trunnion. This trunnion is used for tilting the entire apparatus, which is giving the required angle to the side blown converter.

6. In the given figure of a side blown converter, what does the question mark represent?
Liquid metal of a side blown converter
a) Tuyeres
b) Liquid metal
c) Trunnion for tilting
d) Wind box
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the given figure of a side blown converter, the question mark is representing liquid metal, which is being operated upon in order to make steel.

7. In the given figure of a side blown converter, what does the question mark represent?
Air blast in of a side blown converter
a) Shell
b) Tuyeres
c) Air blast in
d) Liquid metal
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.

8. Up to what temperature can molten steels be produced in a side blown converter?
a) 2300°F
b) 980°F
c) 1350°F
d) 3300°F
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Answer: d
Explanation: For the production of thin sectioned steel castings, side blown converters can be treated up to a temperature of 3300°F for molten steels.

9. Which of the following material is used in converters for making steel?
a) White iron
b) Gray iron
c) Cast iron
d) Copper
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Answer: c
Explanation: Among the following, cast irons are treated in converters where the cold air blast gets blown and steels are made. Apart from cast irons, pig irons are also used in converters for making steel.

10. The converter method is not widely employed.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The converter method of converting cast irons or pig irons into molten steels is not widely employed when it is looked upon through the production point of view.

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